Deconstruct might be a little more effective than gleeful sabotage since you can keep creatures applying pressure.
Three visits isn't modern legal ... :(
Dimir signet is usually better than dimir cluestone. Your oblivion ring is going to kill your own cluestone/signet. Based on you colored mana requirements I'd use at least four more dual lands.
Absolutely run 4x intruder alarm. I don't think quest for renewal helps this deck much. You'll mostly only win by going infinite.Shielding plax is expensive. I'd go for something cheaper like Autumn's Veil or Simic Charm.
While I love howl of the horde I feel like this deck would be better off with an extra two lightning bolts or some sort of trick like ricochet trap or reverberate. You need at least five mana and an attack and fury of the horde to do most of your useful things with howl. At the same time you're only running 20 lands so it will likely be quite a few turns until you're at that point.
I love the potential for complete blowouts with solidarity of heroes. Great deck.
This deck feels like it needs an early creature drop like Plague Stinger and at least two phyrexian arena. I'd cut vatmother and blackmail first.
Is lightning bolt too expensive? Why lightning strike?Brute Force is probably better than Titan's Strength because it saves creatures from Lightning Bolt.
Dryad Militant would be nice upgrade over Elite Vanguard - the ability may help occasionally.
Mizzium skin may be helpful to protect Krenko for the combo.
Quicksilver amulet costs 4 to cast and 4 to activate. The earliest the existing deck can get out Bobo is turn 5 and it's vulnerable to artifact removal.
Main deck or SB? I've thought of cutting the Dragon Fodder for one, and maybe a spikeshot elder for the second?
I love the deck idea.I think Polymorph + Man lands / Khalni Garden would get you your Bobo much faster than Quicksilver Amulet. It has the added advantage that you don't actually need to draw Bobo and you could occasionally chump block.Alternatively you could just go for a regular casting of Bobo with 4 Summer Bloom (cut fog and amulet).T1: landT2: land, Summer Bloom, 2-3 land, Treasure HuntT3: land, Summer Bloom, 2-3 land, Treasure HuntT4: Cast Bobo
I've made a deck that focuses more on Guttersnipe and other direct damage.
missing link?
Thanks for the comment and taking a look!Boggart Shenanigans seems like a much better option than guttersnipe since the deck is mostly creatures. I like bloodmark mentor for a creature matchup but akki coalflinger seems to take up too much space in the lord-crowded 3 drop area.
Have you considered Genesis Wave?
Excellent point. I brought Trash for Treasure to the sideboard (replace Noxious Revival)and put it in the main deck. The lever combo gets a bigger benefit from TFT since Lever costs 5.
Four Fabricate since you are pretty much relying on the forge to win.
Debt to the Deathless seems like a bit of a stretch. You might be better off with a fog/aetherize spell or Treasured Find to get back a key planeswalker.
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