This looks pretty nice man. Now that you only have 2 artifacts main, I would SB Phyrexia Core. Replace with Ghost Quarter - good vs Wolf Run and GW Town. I'd also consider replacing tutor with some spot removal. Also, maybe SB the other Sword of Body and Mind- green protection is pretty nice these days plus combos with Mentor and Surgical Extraction.
My friend tried to rip me off: Wanted to trade Goyf for my Bone Saw. I told him to get fucked.
Needs more Bone Saw
But what if, hypothetically, you miss the 1st turn and opponent plays Goyf. How does this deck deal with that? Sorry, just want to understand how this works properly.
I haven't played any vintage so I'm not sure how a game would go. But can you explain why this has no spot removal, I would have thought this would work well with Void? Also, why no Vampiric tutor?
Hey Ded, liking the burn deck. Only concern is Mox Opal. Not sure this deck really needs the mana accelerator, since only 3-drop you'd be looking to hit is Ferrovore. Also the metalcraft opposes the direction of the deck - sacrificing artifacts. I would +2 Perylous instead. Just a thought :)
Snapcast Tutor to find pieces of the lock, block then extract, snapcast thoughtsieze for disruption - I reckon Snappy will work out. This is classic SWN btw :)
Added Sideboard: More versatile removal. Spellskite vs aggro and burn decks. Think twice to replace removal and night terrors to replace despise vs decks with less creatures. Master Thief is for artifact hate vs Tempered Steel.
Replaced Grimgrin with Pharaoh: Not enough creatures for grimgrin and pharaoh works well with Liliana and Forbidden alchemy.
Yeah, you're right that rager is pretty sick with vat - extra win condition even. I'm still a little skeptical because you'd need vat out while you have rager/adept out. This is a pretty big mana burden, which may not happen till late game when you wanna be dropping titans. Anyway let me know how this plays when you test it :) Also, here's my UB aggro/control: Please take a look and tell me what you think.
Hey Muffin man, I understand your financial concerns. I'm also trying to put together a UB control and I too cant afford 4 snaps and 4 lillys. I think Rager is a bit of a nothing card here: pretty average blocker and doesn't really help you. Also you don't have enough creatures to justify alters reap. I would maybe go for evil twin - gives lots of options and forbidden alchemy - instant speed and draws deep to hit what you need. Would also consider ghost quarter for taking out non-basic lands. I like mimic vat here. How has this deck played so far?
Yo, I made some changes to the deck. Check out invisible stalker: Haven't tested him yet but I think he'll be good with a worldslayer :P
I played this against my bro's UW Taps deck and lost in a close game. I was looking good till he played a sunblaster angel, which I couldn't remove. I think the problem was lack of draw. Would love to hear some suggestions.
Hey sildiran, sorry for late reply, wasn't able to test this until this weekend past. argent sphinx is sick! perferct for wielding a worldslayer, and great defence while setting up the combo. But I found the DoJs are essential in keeping control. The shortcoming with this build is that I didn't have the right creatures to make the worldslaying swing (with the exception of argent). I know your build deals with this problem with the cloak. How does that work for you? Does the Shroud make things too cumbersome? Another solution is a cheap unblockable creature maybe....
Surely Hidden Gibbons is essential here.
Nice. I too have a spirit-crush on TS. I prefer sigil of sleep over arm of aether. With TS you can make a turn 2 unblockable bouncer. I like quince paste with my aggro-control cheese.
I thoroughly doubt this will average a turn 4 dragon. You've got hardly any ramp and the majority of your lands come into play tapped. The whole thing seems very cumbersome. I can't see this design being competitive with current mana curve. +2 dragonspeaker, more rituals and less 8-drops.
Hmmm, maybe. Not sure Vensers ability can be used during combat though, which means he couldn't save stuff from world slaying??
Thanks for the comment. I think you are right about the Thrummingbirds and Graft. Surgical Extraction is in to beat combo and act as another cheap spell for Tide. Jace is meant for his ultimate ability which with the amount of cheap casting in this deck is a 1-hit KO, but I can see how this is slow and I probably would not have enough defense to protect him anyway. I wanted to keep this Standard but sigil of sleep is a good idea.... Thanx again buddy.
I'm a big fan of LD, thanx for posting this. Maybe think about adding invader parasite?
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