Please comment and make suggestions :) No Idea how this would actually play.....
My bad spellskite doesn't work, because illusions ability triggers as soon as targetted :(
Better. 4 life isn't a big cost in an aggro deck, imo. Feck, just thought of Spellskite! Should definitely be in here. Cheap and can protect your illusions. Sub it in for divination.
Props for a mono-black that doesn't include Phyrexian Oblierator :P
Hey Dude, this is quite nice. The main weakness I see is you have no spot removal, so if opponent gets any permanent with a targetted ability into play you're pretty screwed. Dismemeber or even some bounce spells may help. I think you have too many counters and draws. Counters are too reactive, you wanna be spending your mana on illusions. And draws should not be as important in aggro since almost all your cards should allow you to do some killin' ;0 Like others have said, I would also put in adaptive automation. Swiftfoot boots may also be cool here as well. Can't use them on your illusions but will protect your lord and architect while allowing for some quick damage.
Woah, didn't see that metamorph + batterskull combo. Will most definitely be stealing that :)
thanks buddy, just checked it out and I've gotta say, not feelin as much rage comin out of the rage extractor. I think half the cards here have phyrexian mana - that's rage =P
Sweet, how does your mono red play? (haven't actually played this deck yet). The memites were initially for cheap blockers, but I think I like pristine talisman better. Thanks for the tips!
Sorry to be the bearer of shite news, but it appears the text for demigod has been changed so it needs to be cast for ability to trigger:
This is horrible in an amazing way! I love bitter ordeal with psychic surgery. I think the different ways this could be played would make it a really fun deck as well (I've drawn like 50 sample hands). I think this is my favourite of yours.
Cheers man. I'm an engineer and always find that complicated things are just more likely to fuck up. This is also my mtg philosophy: simple and effective
Hey mate, not sure if Demigod's ability would trigger if he's reanimated? The words are "When you play Demigod of Revenge...", not "When Demigod of Revenge comes into play". However, if it does trigger, I dig this deck!
Nice deck. But why vengeful pharaoh?
What win condition are you aiming for? I would have either struggle or pinnacle maybe not both. I like pinnacle because of shroud. Also opponent can also do less about mana than creatures. I would put in those mana-making green walls (forget name ;/) , Thran dynamo, tutors to look for pinacle, and gaea's cradel if you have it.
Thanx mate. I think two overruns should be in, looking at picking them up. I think i'll have a creature advantage so not sure I'm too keen on the board wipes? I was also thinking a couple of dragons, Hoard-smelter maybe to shred the weenie artefact creatures.
Sweet Combo! Primal rage is really good - useful in virtually any creature-based deck, and well cheap considering how few decks can remove enchantments.
Yeah, Talara's hot. May have to invest - it's just soooo damn stompy.
Cool Deck. Talara's is rediculous, never seen it before - extremely stompy. Why reliquary tower?
Yeah don't own him unfortunately :( Otherwise he most certainly would be in.
I think I like Fireball better here. My bro doesn't use counters and fireballs good for clearing creatures as well.
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