Very well written article. I would mention that there is an actual ban list for EDH though.'s under the Deck Construction tab.
I'm really hesitant taking out both Staff of Nin and Journeyer's Kite. The deck lacks any sort of draw power, and being able to hit my land drops every turn with Kite really helps me keep up with green decks and thins my deck out. Plus I 3 mana is the amount I need to save something with Eight-and-a-Half-Tails.I don't really understand what you mean when you say fill in the other lands.
I agree that more mana rocks are needed but what can come out? And there are more than a few people in my play group who play all snow basics to take advantage of the Lens, so I switched back to get the same effect. I took out a lot of the anthem effects for other controlling effects. I found that I would rather protect myself more and just chip people down.
or even D-sphere?
No problem man, good luck in your future games!
I have a Skullbriar deck of my own, but it's more of a voltron build. I noticed that you don't have a lot of evasion in there other than flying, so maybe either Bramblewood Paragon or Crowned Ceratok to give all your guys trample. If you have a lot of creatures dying or reanimation effects, Jugan, the Rising Star or Death's Presence to distribute more counters. Cytoplast Root-Kin is a good way to move +1/+1 counters. Essence Harvest and Soul's Might for win conditions. Greater Good to draw off those big guys.
They would be good, but I don't think either is better than what you already have. Serenity just seems like a bomb, but you'd rather pump up your little dudes. Chosen generates creature advantage, and that seems a little bit better but unless you're playing Phalanx Leader it doesn't seem better than a Blightcaster.
I decided to keep them in the sideboard so if I need them they're available. I found that turn four I'd rather refill my hand or leave up regen mana.
I'm very surprised to not see a single Heroic creature in here. Fabled Hero would become a monster very quickly. Or agent of the fates to with blightcaster out to kill one then make them sac one. Phalanx hero to make all your dudes bigger. My immediate suggestion would be to swap out the banisher priests for agent of fates. Anything that you could exile, can be sac'ed and it even gets around hexproof.
Recent edits:-1 Reaper of the Wilds-2 Rescue from the Underworld-2 Dreg Mangler-2 Deadbridge Goliath+2 Desecration Demon+1 Read the Bones+4 Rakdos CacklerI saw that I had a serious problem against fliers in playtesting and assuming I can get Varolz out they are better than Deadbridge. Moved the last Read the Bones to the main deck so I can dig through the deck easier. I was looking for more creatures to just pitch to Lotleth and I found the Cackler. Being able to play him early or pitch him late is great. Also, shifted the ratio on the lands to favor black more. I took out the Rescues because although cool and fun, not the best.
I made a deck similar to this and I have been considering a Sire of Insanity to help deal with high removal decks. Also, since you can dump your hand onto the field rather quickly it is very hard against your opponent.
That's the worst feeling. Breaking apart a deck only to miss playing it.
The only other thing I could suggest would be a Honden of Infinite Rage, to just make sure they take at least 1 damage each turn. Good luck!
You have two Rain of Gore. Also, for a Lord of Riots deck you seem low on creatures, and cheating big dudes out is what Rakdos does best. I would suggest either getting some fatties in here or looking at other commanders that would benefit you more. Like Malfegor or Rakdos, the Defiler.
Yeah, it looks like your build is less aggressive than mine, but you could take a look for ideas. A Wargate is another possibility.
Got two Basalt Monoliths in there. If you need the mana maybe Obelisk of Bant? If not, Sovereigns of Lost Alara would be a good addition.
That's cool, maybe a conjurer's closet to help it out then?
My only suggestions for this are Death's Presence and Varolz, the Scar-Striped. Otherwise, sweet deck man. You've convinced me to work on a Skullbriar of my own.
If the only point of taking Ghost Council over Obzedat is easy access to a sac engine, I would suggest Teysa, Orzhov Scion. She creates more tokens when black creatures are sac'ed and can exile creatures.
Thanks for all the help. I have most of these cards already, and I can tell that it is infinitely better than it was before.
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