Done some more updates. Maindecked Victim of Night, sideboarded a bunch of stuff, including Tribute to Hunger for Vampire or Zombie decks and Witchbane Orb for certain RDW and mill decks. Added a Ghost Quarter because I apparently own one, and why not?
I considered playing this sort of deck for a while, but in the end I decided to switch back to a more standard zombie horde approach. If you aren't going pure mill, it's a lot harder to chew through all 60 of your opponents cards than just 20 of his life. If, however, you decided to stick to this kind of play, I'd recommend taking a look at Trepanation Blade for some extra mill (with an Alchemist out, it mills a minimum of two extra cards when unblocked).
So I've derped on my reasoning behind Victim of Night a little, forgot about black Vampires as well. So between the two of them, the big cards I can't remove and would always want to are Olivia, Grimgrin, and Bloodline Keeper. Any others that I am forgetting about? Fortunately, Skinrenders have no problem sticking these guys with -3/-3 (and having them in Mimic Vats is all kinds of fun).
Heh, good point about the price. I was going on the price breakdown. Didn't even notice the n/a listed for Mox Sapphire and Mox Jet.
I considered adding Lashwrithe to my version of this deck ( ) but I ultimately decided against it. The problem with Lashwrithe in this style of deck is that it doesn't have a lot of synergy with the other cards in the deck, and to add it you would have to cut cards that do. In this sort of deck, if I had a choice between playing a Skinrender for 4 mana or a Lashwrithe for 4 mana, I would choose the Skinrender because it has an immediate effect (instead of having to wait a turn), it feeds Endless Ranks of The Dead, it gets bonuses from Cemetery Reapers, and if it dies I can either imprint it on a Mimic Vat for crazy fun times, return it to my hand along with another zombie for 1 mana (Ghoulcaller's Chant), or in this deck use Sheoldred to get it back. Lashwrithe, on the other hand, doesn't feed Endless Ranks (and takes the place of something that does), can't be returned from the graveyard (you have to have another creature in play and pay mana/life to re-equip it) and can't be imprinted. I'm not saying it's a bad card, it's just not as good as others. It would be much better in a deck that was built more around artifacts and equipment.
Also, Rise from the Grave isn't standard.
This reminds me a bit of the deck I am currently building here: I like that this deck is building more around the self-mill/exile for fatties mechanic than trying to split the pie with creature returns. As far as specific comments go, I would think about including more big blue zombies to take advantage of your blue splash.
Ow. My wallet cringes at this a little. Unless you already have 4 Underground Seas, Darkslick Shores seems to be a much better (read: cheaper) option. Th'ere are other cards I personally wouldn't want to spend the money on, but I don't know of cheaper equivalents off hand. Other than that, looks good. +1.
The only reason you are splashing green is to use Parallel Lives to double up the tokens produced by Bloodline Keeper, right? It seems to me you would be better off ditching the green splash and getting more burn spells (like Bump In The Night, or Volt Charge for the proliferate).
Cellar Door is a bit crap. It's 5 mana for the first card, and 3 for each subsequent one (and only once per turn at that). The odds of milling a creature that way are also rather low.
I'm thinking of putting some Vengeful Pharaohs on to the sideboard as a deterrent for mill decks. Do you guys think a Pharaoh would actually be effective in this capacity? Also, if I did have him on the sideboard and I was playing against a mill deck, what do you think would be the best candidates for swapping out? (I'm thinking Grave Titans and/or Skinrenders)
If you want some similar decks to look at, I have one here: And I also recommend this one:
Your mana curve is a bit on the high end. I would recommend some cheap zombies (such as Diregraf Ghoul) to balance it out a bit and give you some early-game defence. Also, I really wouldn't take 4 of Army of the Damned. Some cheaper removal or discard spells would be a better choice. I have a similar deck, though I am personally limiting to standard.
As far as a multiplayer specific deck goes, this looks really mean. Probably underpowered in other settings, though (but it doesn't look like you are sinking a lot in to it, so no biggy, eh?). The only thing I can think of for adding is putting some of the other colour-based life-gain artifacts on your sideboard, in case you are playing against a whole bunch of some other colours.
As I said in the description, I'm unwilling to spend the money on Go For The Throats for such a specific counter, which is why I have Victim of the Night on my sideboard instead. The only thing I can't remove between Victim and Doom Blade are black zombies.
Carnophages aren't currently in standard (which is what I am trying fit this in to). Also, I have since updated this deck here: I guess I should delete this deck or at least update the description.
I'm pretty sure it's based on the amount of likes received.
Not entirely sure of the utility of Reckless Waifs. The amount of spells you have in this deck means it is unlikely to stay transformed for very long.
First thought: needs more Mayors.
Made some more changes! Anyone have sideboard ideas? Specific decks that I need to think about countering?
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