its good until i just take your hug guy that you just beefed up with increasing savagry with zealous conscripts attack with it and then pod him away haha
i can get him out on turn 2 vary consitently look at the one drops i have and plus gut shot then play him ill pretty much always get the blood thirst but i guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this one haha :)
yeah i added though scour after thinking about it and stormblood beserker is good because i have so many ways to get the bloodthirst and he cant be blocked except by 2 creature which makes him great early game
i think that inferno titan, chandra, and slagstorm are all quit unecessary-maybe slagstorm in the sideboard- but i think havin chandra and inferno titan are only going to slow this deck down and i thnk phnatasmal image should go to the board as well and be replaced by stormblood berserker that guys pretty good to get out on turn 2 after you hit them with your flipped delver here check out mine and let me know what you think
i would vote on faithless looting as well it seems way beter in this type of deck that desperet ravings also if you have any i would run runchanters pike with all the instants ans sorceries you have equipping that to a delver would be pretty sick
add runchanters pike that equipped to a delver is pretty savage
sorry to say but no its not its a neat idea but thats all it really is is a neat idea there are many decks that can handle this. waht happens when you come across an obliterator. and as for spirits all there gonna do is sit back and not let you resolve any thing until they just overwhelm you with spirits
dont main board mental misstepand take out the despise
take out despise put in another faithless looting and doom blade
hmm interesting
i tried the combo but i didnt like it and it wasnt good if im gonna have a lord cemetary reaper is a better one to have he gives my guys +1 +1 and he can create more guys and this deck is aggro have grave titan in there only slows it down. and as for lilly i really dont care about discarding at all considering i can discard a grave crawler or maybe a diregraf ghoul when hes usless in late game
haha damn right
there are better 2 drops to have than reassembling skeleton such as viridian emissary and perilous myr
i would take out a few hero of bladeholds for birthing pod you want things that do things when the come into play or when they leave blade hold does non of those also i think you need more one drop mana producers
c-c-c-c-combo hahaha
evil twin can be just as good and i would maybe only one 1 spinx of uthuun and put in more wurmcoil engine instead
dont listen to them dont ad myr superion hes a dead draw and taht mana combo is just stupid in my opinion although u dont need unburial rights u already have havengul lich to do that for you and u dont need the chapels or vaults its just screwing up your land base also i like phyrexian metamorph in heartless deacks he is really good ive gotten 20 power worth of flyers in one turn by playing runscared demon and using 3 metamorphs to copy the demon and then you get a bomb after ward then if they got no answer you swing for game
agrreed add 2 more drogskol captains take out silent departure also put in either drowned catacombs or darkslick shores add a swamp or to and play ligering souls because that cards amazing add dungeon giest and delver of secrets too instead of inquisitor and niblis of the urn
make dungrove elder something else hes not good enough in this deck in my opinion
i bulit a deck pretty similar to yours without even knowing except i didnt have any elspeth or hero of bladehold here check it out
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