platinum emerion is in he scars block so itts in standard but i would also try using hex parasite it can get ide of planeswalkers and help u get your life total lower to activate the fateful hour
take out all the enchantments you have they either really bad or have no place in oyur deck takea look at mine
i would take out the diregraf captains ive found that he isnt that good and take out eh endless ranks of the dead ad put in more cemetery reaper and put in skin renderer also geralfs mesanger is extremely good id like to know what you think of mine
they make make just soldiers but she does make blockers so u can just chump block with them and not have to use someone better tor try to kill a big guy they may have
i like it haha
add a phyrexian ingester for a 7 drop
i have them in there because if i dont have a play on a turn then i might as well us the mana for something and its sort of an alternative win con.
if u like myr superion in there thats fine i just dont like him cause he seems like a dead draw most times
i found out that phyrexian metamorph works pretty well agianst wolf-run if the throw out a sword of feast and famine then u use him to copy it and use it agaisnt them also u can us him to copy frost titan with phyrexian metamorph i have been able to get either 2 frost titans or 2 wurmcoil engines out on turn 5 when that happens theres not much ur opponent can do
ive found that if ur gonna build a heartless summoning deck blue black is the way to go check this out and leave ur comments:
Well when i was playing with it the sphinx helped a lot it gets u that extra dig because with my deck i can kinda play out my hand kinda quickly so i need that dig to get through the land and he still is a 3-5 guy with flying after heartless summoning so he can do some damage or prevent some damage from say mirran crusader also i dont know how well steel hellkite is in this deck but i dont know if he belongs in this kinda of deck and also i dont think you need 4 spellskites i run 2 in mine and it works out well for me but its up to you
yeah me to also i would really suggest putting in at least 2 phyrexian metamorph i was playing at the FNM and i top 2d with it because i was able to play either 2 frost titan or 2 wurmcoil engines on turn 5 because of phyrexian metamorph
yeah i know go for the throat cant target him but in cases where u wanna get ride of the spellskite before he become relevant then thats where you want doom blade or even dismember
anytime ive been playing around with this idea since innistrad came out and so far the blue black idea is the best i think but my deck and urs are very similar except u have more cancels and kill spells as where i have more creatures
also i find that 24 land is way to much i run 22 in mine and i always seem to have to much but if it works for you then by all means keep doing it
id take out the go for the throats wiht inkmoth nexus, wurmcoil engine and spellskite seeing a lot of play go for the thraot doesnt really do much also id would ad some evil twin and phyrexian metamorph with heartless summoning on the field those guys can just wreck house and phyrexian metamorph is a phyrexian mana phantasmal image you should take a look at mine and see what you think
i dont think myr superion works all that well in heartless decks sure he is cool to drop for free but if u dont get the heartless summoning then he is a big dead draw if u want to play stuff for free try spellskite and perilous myr those guys work really well and u can still play them if u dont have heartless summoning out also im not sure about unbreathing hoard idk if this type of deck wants X costing creatures but idk
take out the doomed traveler and put in hero of bladehold take out the avycyns pilgram and put in elite vanguard also put in 2 day of judgements
put 4 more land in there and put in some perilous myr cause if u have ur reaper out there and hearltess summoning perilous myr will activate his morbid ability for free grave titan doesnt seem to good in heartless summoning decks it makes teh tokens weaker so take them out and out in solem similacrum Id either have 2 doom blade and 2 go for teh throat or have 4 doom blade because lots of people are playing inkmoth nexus and go for the trhaot cant kill that guy
way to easy to stop o ring and beast within easily deal with liliana and hearltess summoning and any kill spell can kill rage thrower theres just to many steps taht need to happen for it to work
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