
29 Decks, 55 Comments, 5 Reputation

I really like this deck. It's simple and looks like fun. First look like it's to grossly op and or broken so no one will throw a fit about milling. Good build!

Posted 13 January 2014 at 16:38 as a comment on Draw Blood


I like the Mana Base ALOT!!!!! lol

Posted 23 March 2013 at 05:24 as a comment on 4 color guaranteed win


I like it good kitchen table craziness. However they will see it coming a mile away!! still fun though

Posted 23 March 2013 at 05:21 as a comment on Return of the Rats


shitty shitty gum drops see i so didn't read that damn it lol
well looks like ill be running Genesis wave instead. ill drop epic and go with an elixir of immortality to put

Posted 11 November 2012 at 01:17 in reply to #303029 on Epic MUST SEE!


will do and I'm off to go test this so lets see what happens.

Posted 11 November 2012 at 01:15 in reply to #303025 on Epic MUST SEE!


okay let me ponder that for a while.

Posted 02 November 2012 at 01:29 in reply to #301026 on Dark Side Super friends

Permalink sry

Posted 01 November 2012 at 15:03 in reply to #300987 on Rock Jund


how does Huntmaster fair for you? do you pass on a turn to flip it? this is my Dream Jund deck would you mind taking a look at it? I haven't played this deck so any advice on it would help.

Posted 01 November 2012 at 15:02 as a comment on Rock Jund


Lmao no I read it all after some mote play testing I like the deck but you all are right I'm going to make a few changes
1.Sublime angel is in instead of AGR. It's just to powerful not to run it.
2. VAULT OF THE ARCHANGEL instead of cavern of souls (sideboard card for counter decks) is in as well I think your absolutely right on that note.
3. I'll compromise on the Dutybound dead and swap in 1 more tormented soul and another sublime.
4. lingering souls will go in in place of the guardians for sure.
5. I'm going to put two terminus in place of two soul tithes.


Posted 26 October 2012 at 18:01 in reply to #299281 on FNM Deck HELP Something Different


Sublime is in the side board and I don't know about martial law what would I pull out to put in its place

Posted 24 October 2012 at 19:42 as a comment on FNM Deck HELP Something Different


Okay I would run mote detention sphere and drop the stalkers, also run martial law a 2 of just in case. I would run snapcaster and more counter bounce spells board clear. Cyclonic rift a 3 of atleast to hit again late game for overload if need be. I would only run three of a board wipe and concentrate more on counter bounce after that. Hope I helped.

Here is my new standard take a look let me know if you see anything j nedd in sideboard or main.

Posted 24 October 2012 at 18:31 as a comment on Rate/Comment on my Azorius Control, please


Okay so what I gatherer is that solar flare is a heavy spot and board clear for eairly game with some big mean bad beasts to come out mid to late game for the win. If im right on this then your deck is no where near that concept.

I would do the following.
Dwindle down your creatures to 2 or three types and run 2 or 3 of them each.
My suggestion from your list above is
Avacyn Angel of hope x2
Arching x2
And even then I don't like those creatures for this build but its what you have up there

Change the color to white blue and black so drop red
And run
Judgement, supreme, detention sphere for tokens and theme, o ring, index, murder stab wound so on and so on you pick for spot and board clear.

If you do this I think you will be more on track with the solar flare concept. Good luck

If you get time take a look at my new deck plz its for an FNM

Posted 24 October 2012 at 18:17 as a comment on Solar Flare Standard Challenge


I like the idea. But I think your going to get rolled over. Allow me to explain your your idea of draw with stalker and tanderm is good but beat case your letting cast with no recourse for 3 turns. And then on that note to slow play your not tuning enough counters to stop them.from.doing anything to put it out later. But I do like vexing and I do like hellrider. What i would do is this
Take out your tanderm and put in think twice. Then take out 2 stalkers and add two ruined spikes. For late game big swings. Also bump up your burn spells or your counters. Just an idea.

Do you have any ideas on my new FNM deck.

Side note casual play/ multiplayer you will do fine with this build as is

Posted 24 October 2012 at 17:53 as a comment on Izzet a Win?!


I think ill sideboard killing wave for token decks.

Posted 24 October 2012 at 17:37 as a comment on FNM Deck HELP Something Different


I find myself boating this as control not agro a lot. With only having an exalted creature and a one to swing. Maybe a exalted land. Only playing another one if I lose one to burn or sac. It seems to hold up okay to red blue heavy counter. Goes late game against burn heavy decks with AGR coming into play. I haven't found a g/b zombie yet to play against and or a judgement deck. So I don't know a lot of the people i know are playing u/r izzit decks.

Posted 24 October 2012 at 17:36 in reply to #299013 on FNM Deck HELP Something Different


It's not my style but I think the concept is solid. I however don't think hellrider is the right card for this deck. I'm thinking that on a turn four you will be wanting to play something different I.e some creature removal. To keep the pace on your side. Maybe guttersnipe as a 2 of with 2 of a different removal. Just a thought I'm thinking boost direct burn and or you hit a creature at the sametime your hitting your opponent. That to me sounds like it works better with the fast paced deck.

Just like everyone else would you offer an opinion on my deck. DeckID=398375

Posted 24 October 2012 at 16:58 as a comment on It's not burn ,it's a tribute, to Climber


I like the idea and I think stab wound will play a huge part midgame. I would maybe run atleast one more of these. Maybe think about swaping out a daggerdrome imp for vampire nighthawk. I get your jumping the mana cost up from 2 to 3 but if you take into consideration death touch and it has a bigger toughness you will stall the came more in your favor, gain more life and have a blocker for a longer period of time. Plus it costs just one more mana and it could change the Target of some spot removal saving a more important creature. Just a thought or two. Over all I like the deck I would juat change those two things for right now.

If you get a sec and wouldn't mind checking out my new build I would appreciate it thanks DeckID=398375

Posted 24 October 2012 at 16:45 as a comment on Rakdos Aggro/Burn?


I just wanted to splash detention. But I can see the benifit of having the enchantment over my current 4 drop if the game goes late. Something ill think about if I'm not playing sublime it doesn't give me a huge advantage over having the creature over the enchant. However if I'm on a fast track and my opponent lays couple creatures turn 5 ill be wishing I had theater creature. Idk as far as stab wound I like soul tithe because if you want to keep whY ever it is I'm forcing you to continually keep paying its mama cost and not cast something else till later its a mental war and more control. I do get it damage over and over if its a power toughness 3 or better. But in that case it will just be a blocker and die so to me its not a constant damage unless I'm just attacking with my tormented soul which I'm only playing two of. So ill have to talk that out and play test. Thanks for the comment.

Posted 24 October 2012 at 02:13 in reply to #298907 on FNM Deck HELP Something Different


I went with AGR for the judgement decks and with the Izzit control all the burn counter. But your right sublime is just so powerful. So tell you what. I think the deck can do well with out sublime so ill play game one with AGR just incase it gives me a late game win con and help against the before mentioned. Is I'm playing a deck that isn't flooded with control I.E. judgement, Supreme, burn and counter ill throw them in to speed the deck up. Thanks for your your thoughts I really appreciate it. If you come up with a good combo or a must have idea fill me in by all means. Also I'm on my phone so ill take a look at some of your decks later

Posted 24 October 2012 at 01:56 in reply to #298882 on FNM Deck HELP Something Different


Add birds and more elves then run green suns and genesis wave to put all your lands and elves in play pump with wolf run or the new green creature that gives all your guys plus x plus x and trample when it comes into play. You could also think about slashing white for the new white guy that untaps all your creatures when it comes ib play so you can pump more man's into your mana pool for your wolf run or what ever is in your hand. Just an idea.

Wanna take a look at mine

Posted 13 August 2012 at 18:25 as a comment on Standard [BUILD]


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