Thank you very much. I'm hoping to ensue some rage quits. I made a few changes after collaborating with some friends this weekend. I hope to have some fun with this. Again thanks for the input.
Tears at such beauty!!!
Deathtouch applies but I don't think trample would because you are not in a combat step. However I could be wrong. FYI pray Upon on an Obliterator would be enough to cause 1 a lot of rage quits and 2 lots of laughs from everyone else. Nice idea
This is so dumb I would hate playing you. HATE. Bravo on a well constructed deck. I haven't yet looked at your other decks and at the risk of being dumb for not doing so have you made anything standard that's full of crazyness like this? Well here was my attempt at fun time crazy an idea I got off seeing someone else play 3 different cards before his opponent quit. If you wouldn't mind taking a look for me I would appreciate it. Thanks,
I like it. With all the 1 and 2 of cards it will always be freash and fun. I might ateal this for casual play. Would you tell me what you think of my turny ready deck. Well I think its ready.
Sry for the grammar I wrote this on my phone and failed to proof read. Break was over
First of great idea for a central form. Here are three for you. 1st up is my fat kid deck. Basic idea is life gain fog massive constant token. It has placed top 3 every FNM I have played in. It has never placed First. 2nd deck is my take on a standard land district deck. I haven't pkayed it in a turny yet but I have in social games currently its 8 of 9 games won. 3rd is my new extraction deck. I'm really excited to try this out I dont have a sidboard for you yet. I think this will do very well at an FNM though. Good pick standard can be fun. I try to stay away from the norm net decks and play sometging interesting and fresh. That's not to say these cant win. It's hard for these kids to aide board against my decks because they are not the norm for a meta game. Have fun!
Thanks for the help and comments.
I could do this making slumbering dragon side board for agro decks ie goblins and fog. I'll give it a shot
I had themin there but took them out because I needed slumbering dragon.
Solid deck I think you have your mana curve correct. But I'm not sure about those artifacts. I think there could be some more efficient ones out there. I'll look into it and get back to you. In the meantime would you take a look at my new standard deck thanks.
Oh and thanks for looking at my fat kid deck. I really appreciated the comments. Let me know who wins when you pit the two against each other. Here is the link to fat kid if anyone else here would like to see it and offer some imput.
Add only one swamp and feed it out with your sax ability. The only big thing that I see hurting the hell out of you are the spell bomb that removes hot graveyard sorry I'm on my phone and I don't remember the name or even if it is standard anymore. And then again surgical extraction's. Noxious reveal will save you with that. Hold that card in your side board till you come across a deck that runs these. Then keep it in your hand till the cast it. Then once they Target something just but it on top of your library. You can't swing the tempo back to your favor better then that. Take the wind out of someone's sails. Other then that if you start to mill yourself to death tom a copy actually 2 of (again phone don't remember the name sorry) the blue creature that once you pay the activation cost you put it and your graveyard back in your deck shuffle and mill till you find it again the put it back in play. That way you keep your big guys potentially still big and hopefully giving you those few extra turns. Again sorry I don't remember the names of these card. But all and all great deck.
This is awesome glad someone else has a Feed the Pack deck. Here is mine I like yours I especially like that both are completely different. Let me know what you think of mine. Now I didn't read every comment but here is My imput on yours. Sry if I repeat. 1. Moldgraf Monstrosity Awesome late game changer. Love it. 2. How do you fair against Flying especially the Delver decks that are still running around. I think maybe a Skin Shifter or two could help you for an eairly drop and maybe a 0/8 turn 4-5 for tokens. 3. Maybe run some noxioius revieals in sideboard just incase you go against a deck thats running Disenchant to keep the preasure on. 4. I do this all the time if im up on life and i have another one in my hand. Tap my tree to switch life and then sac for Tokens. I did this once for 33 tokens. it was sweet. But I also run blunt assalt so i ended up Fogging right before a Day in retaliation to gain all that life and more back. Again Input on mine would be appreciated.
I did and it was awesome I did throw some more fogs in there with life gain made all the difference in the world so annoying for them when they get foged every attack. This is one of my Fav decks right now. thanks for the comments.
Hey saw your deck challenge and my fav Edh deck is shirei as well. And while we run some of the same cards I would say mine is completely different. If you wouldn't mind take a look for me and see what you think. I think more people should try this general. It's hard to shut the recursion down once it gets going. Good job.
I like it I think you might think about some form of artifact removal/ enchant and maybe a Day or two for the fast goblin decks I can see coming.
I get everyone is on a ramp kick and that's great but you can't ramp creatures that aren't on the board. LOL I like the bounce! I went a little different with my w/u control. Would you mind taking a look at it. Thanks.
That's an expensive standard deck. And I'm a fan of straight up creature domination. Good build I have no ideas for you. Would you take a look at my creature deck for standard see if I'm missing something. Thanks. DeckID=338604
Really like this concept. Sigarda will make geist impossible to get rid of. To bad it costs so much. Not your typical net deck you see a lot of at a FNM setting. What about a runespike? Do me a favor and take a look at my new FNM deck I think ill be giving a go. DeckID=338604
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