Check out Rakalite XD
No, that's a 2/3 for 1 you can use it, it's not completely worthless.
Force of Will :P Thanks! Do you have any ideas for improvements? It's actually not my idea, it's an old deck but I think it's hilarious! :D
Ok i'm going to do as many has suggested, I'm going to put in some Wurmcoils, I'll keep it standard, however, I will make a new legacy designed illusion deck, check it out!
also 4 is better than 3 imo..
No Brainstorm is not restricted and always play brainstorm over preordain
reliquary tower instead of spellbook!
Haha this sure could be a little annoying to face in one of those epic multiplayer games :p
Apostle's Blessing is a good protection card.
Yep, I'd remove the Core Prowlers. and trust me you can get a HUGE fireball if you got the chalice mana :) Also terramorphic expanse is way too slow in a deck like this, run real fetches if you can afford them.
Good suggestion, it's either him or Cromat I'll run as win conditions. :)
Endless Wurm works great with Rancor! Also if you can afford get 2 more Argothian Enchantress, and to make it really explosive add 4 Explorations.
You're welcome :) Radha sure works in some decks, but in this one you want to make sure that the one you're facing never gets to play anything, so I'd say that llanowar elves is much better here if Birds is too expensive. Maybe you should play even more ramp, like explore/harrowarbor elves. Hehe nice ;) Mageslayer sure works good with Deus ^^
That may do the trick!
Hey that's actually an idea! What about the sideboard then?
Yeah, once I had Aysen Highway and Great Wall out on the same turn when my opponent played mono white, they all gained Plainswalk, but it didn't matter 'cause I had the wall! hahah you should have seen the look on his face!
I thought so, but you're still only allowed 1, because if there were no restrictions it would be impossible not to create a turn 1 kill. The game need rules to work. But OK I understand this is just for fun, I just don't see the point/challenge of building illegal decks :P
110 cards.. That's what I call card advantage !
haha but 5 Storm Crow is OK?
Viscera Seer combos excellent with Bloodghast, then you might want to add Mortician Beetle.. But hey that's just me 'cause I love sac decks :P Nice job !
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