Yeah, I think I will when zen rotates, but now I want to keep it standard.
oh too bad our fellow bird pal ain't standard legal, otherwise I would SO play him! Yeah I'll fix that
That is one mother fucking expensive deck list! It's also illegal so I don't see the point with it?
What about the sideboard then, any suggestions?
Yes but I'd much rather get rid of a Jace, the Mind Sculptor or BSA
Besides, if I would want to bump her (not literally) I'd use unsummon.. :P
No, Into the roil removes pretty much everything you don't want to face, and you don't need to bump stoneforges as you will certainly draw another equipment with Jace, preordains and thin out the deck with terramorphic expanses and squadron hawks.
It plays pretty random, sometimes it's good, next time it sucks ^^
yeah^^ I think I can manage without tectonic edges, but I will fix better lands when my wallet isn't sculpted :P
I don't splash a color for one card, and this ain't that serious :) But check out my G/W Golem deck, were I also have an ancestral Recall combo and featuring ascesticism.
dude, just play martyr of sands + test of endurance. maybe mother of runes to protect your creatures. if you want to hit an opponent with celestial mantle, try shadow creatures such as soltari monk/soltari priest. Also Ajani's pridemate is good in a lifegain deck, and soul wardens, and lifelink. Hope that helps and feel free to post any comment on my decks!
Great title, great album, great deck.
Hey, Hum I don't know. I could remove the Coffers for drain life for yet another finisher, but I don't think that's needed with all those shadow creatures and pump spells. I'll go for it until I find something better
No, it's actually THAT bad! :P
Maybe mother of Runes to protect your creatures from removal.
Thanks! Yes, but I can't afford any fetch lands :(
Any suggestions?
I checked if you had it, you must have added it or I missed it
PEOPLE! I want to make it all clear, this deck is NOT serious! I made it in the middle of the night with a friend and I have no idea how this ended up on the front page, but thanks anyway.. It is categorized as fun, so don't take it so fucking serious! Thanks to all of you who haven't been moody just 'cause some guy you didn't know created a deck with a funny concept.
Why would one ever play Volcanic Hammer?
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