yes Primalcrux is a great card but i need more standard legal idea's thanks or the idea though its a great idea dude to the hydra's he would be a 16/16 off the bat
Hi its me again i redid my green deck and i would like your imput on it its the one that is green and elf based please and thnak you MidNiteOutCry
Dragon Broodmother good combo for devour with all the sporlings you can create
i would trim the deck to 60 and add at least 20 mana in it your going to have hands that you have one mana and alot of creatures you can't plus some archdruids for more mana
i would replace the acidic slime to put in arbor elf and then take out the oracle to put in more land and take out the gravity well and the leige of the tangle to put in more land land. So i will have around 22 land with the possiblity of 6 mana aceleraters. That will hopefully help with getting out the bigger creaters faster and not leaving me to go hunting for mana in the long run thank you for all the advice.
thanks for the advice ill take out the 2 everflowing chalice and put in 2 more lands and replace the soul parry with the holy day it would be a better idea thank you
thank you for the advice i will go ahead and put in an umbra maybe bear umbra would work just as good
i really like the make up of this deck i would love it if you could take a look at my 2 main decks and give me some comments casue ive heard you are one of the best deck builder on the site it would be appreciate thank you
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