Honestly take out the blue just make it green black. The added blue makes it harder to get your mana curve right and honestly green black can get shit done. All you need is a few kill spells (no murder) use the bone splinters combo them with the messenger or the gravecrawler and in turn through gravecrawler in the graveyard you make Jarad bigger. Take out Rancor and endless ranks. They slow the deck down a lot they are bad for this deck.
My rough draft on a modern black and white control any help would be really nice im going to an open for modern in a few months http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=380056
delver at my FNM is not there at all. I faced a delver dryaid deck type and it did very well. Second game you might need more kill cards but thats about it. You need your mana curve right too so that the messangers get out turn three or a splicer out turn 3.
You cant play myr superion for free off of heartless. Its over all ability takes into effect. A spell cant override the fact that he has to be played with mana from a creature.
ponder or etched champion was going to go in his place i looked and saw that and was like oops lol
I'm looking into taking out the swords and just adding birds and more acceleration cards you got any idea's of cards to take out?
the mana curve seems a bit high. But in the end i believe it would work. Instead of the scar lands i will be using temple gardens
very true i do have the cheeper removal stuff but no slagstorms i use to have them other than that i like yous deck as well
i actually like this deck it looks fun to play. i would recommend making it turbo fog with snapcaster. If you can swing it of course. Plus look at more outs or more ramp to get venser out quicker. hope this help!
alright cool. :) hope this helped!
yeah i agree with that. I was thinking about the Cavalier and putting him in then take out honor for harrow. Idk what people really play in modern but i thought this would run pretty well
a few comments i have for this deck. I really like it and it could use a few more cards to make it awesome. Training grounds could help with a few of your cards. Temple Bell could help. Howling Mine for more draw effect. Time warp for an extra turn. Other than that pretty solid.
Venser would help
it looks pretty good but, i would suggest taking divination off main board and putting mana leaks in its place. You always want a counter or two in a deck like this. Helps when a big creature comes up and all you have is small creature helps your odds. The saint would not be a bad choose either for the deck. Other things to put in a mirrion crusader would be a big help. other than that it looks pretty solid.
Although this is a great idea on paper, but i hate to break it to you GrimGrim needs to sac each time you want to untap him. I believe. Because of the wording of the card read it close. He is a great creature control but you can use black sun or go for the throat for that any day. Furthermore, your mana curve maybe low but 20 mana in a control deck try running 24 to 26. Hope this helps!
i would suggest putting more zombies into the deck for the milling. Endless Ranks of the Dead plus Undead Alchemist equals good amount of milling. As long as you have zombies you can mill. Snapcasters should be side board and surgical extraction main board. First game you mill them to see what they got then execute the combo. I would suggest also Grave Titans to poop out zombies.
yeah but i have not seen any good ones lately. And yeah i have tried out the stuff you said I'm just taking out the avengers and adding something else maybe overseers would be a better choice atm.
oh i know got any good green creatures to make the deck faster i know use the monk that drops for one and taps for white. I was just wondering other good green creatures and or spells cause i have not seen a good gw human deck on the vault yet.
Hmm seems like it would run alright. He are a few suggestions: Make it GW human there are a few green humans that beef up your other humans when attacking. The monk for one that taps for white. Gideon would be a good choice he turns into a soldier and Champions keep gaining the counters. Look in Angelic Destiny if you can spare the money lol. My white aggro human deck is a bit to slow im thinking of going GW myself take a look if you want more ideas on creatures that are white http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=265574 hope this helps!
ghoulraiser would be an ok choice but how many zombies will be going to the graveyard when there is only 10 zombies in the deck.
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