Currently top pick for sideboard. I haven't done much playtesting on the deck yet, but once I get it refined to the point I'd like, VW will be pretty fun.
With a deck very similar, I can second the Puresteel Paladin notion.
Thanks for the input! This is mostly made off of what I had physically at the time, but now the actual deck has gone past this to be more competitive, so I'll probably make these changes to the actual deck. Definitely things to consider!
Definitely wraths for sideboard, don't worry. As was mentioned above, the availability of the scions are what make this deck feasible no matter how many lands you run. No matter how great ramp in standard may seem, it is very rarely good enough to justify such high drops, especially with Prophet of Kruphix, Shrine to Nix, and the like not around. The scions produce the mana base needed for the biggies, while the 23 lands are typically able to pull off everything 4-cmc and lower on its own, letting me save the scions for eldrazi/Smothering Abomination fodder. In addition to that, I haven't had any problems so far with producing any colors I need from Embodiment of Spring, Evolving Wilds and any other fetches I can eventually get a grip on.
Once Oath of the Gatewatch has come through, I'll probably integrate this to modern
It's definitely been in consideration, I'm just not sure what to replace.
Along the lines of control that you mentioned, Bone Splinters is really handy. One mana, sac a scion, and baboom
Hey you xD don't think I don't know what this is!
I don't understand, why is this illegal in modern?
Fantastic! I feel like this would be much easier in person xD I'll see what days I'm free and we can theorycraft IRL. Then as afore mentioned, I'll trade your help with this for the infect deck
The lands will probably just have to be playtested, but as for the heroics, the main thing I realized after finishing it was that I didn't have many triggers for them, so instead I added more bestows. I agree it's very strange xD, but with any luck and some playtesting, it could be my best deck yet
I'm not worried about playable or not, its just a collection of cards related to that particular Planeswalker. For fun!
First of all, I absolutely LOVE the name. Second, I'm glad your deck is more playable than mine. Mine is just purely for the novelty of being about Sorin. You kept to that theme and made it useable. Definite +1 from me and anyone else I can scrounge up!
Awesome! It's the same here for the rest of my series, but hopefully I'll get started soon!
Yessir, one for every Planeswalker
Having already read Sun Tzu BEFORE I started playing (and being ridiculously broke when I did) scare tactics and good strategy basically made my starting group consider me a God. Doubly funny because we started when Theros was released and I was the first to own a God: Thassa
But you ARE a skilled economist
Please make more of these on other aspects of the game. I'd love to read them!
As one who is still relatively new to magic (only a year under the belt) this has definitely brought about some new thinking into my deck construction. Point being: extremely valuable to new players
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