Which goes back to Devout:3
Odric, Master Tactician is what really makes this deck for you sir. Might I suggest one less Crusader of Odric for another Odric?
You people and your Isochron Scepters! Haha not bad, it would definitely hold out against my decks that don't have much to prevent burn.
Oh yeah, swap out the Doomblades (you saw how that played out today) and the Brave the Elements for the Spectral Procession (putting them into the sideboard of course) and Devout Invocation. Then another Emeria, Sky Ruin. Fun stuff! Or if you just want more lifegain, Celestial Mantel. Celestial Mantel. That's some shenanigans
Love the name! Lol suggestion: Devout Invocation. Just one. You won't really be doing much swinging with your sisters and similar cards, so they would provide plenty of fuel for it and for every one you tap you get a 4/4 flying. Definitely boosts your lifegain/gives you that final boost for you to swing out with
You remember the insanenumbers I had against the Selesnia right?
True, but it has a good deal of buff, triggering or not. There's a good chance that I can have strong creatures before I get necessarily to the triggers. What do you think?
I also realized that if I do like you said and make one for every Planeswalker, that means Tibalt too. That sucks
Maybe take out the Fabled Hero for two more Boon Satyrs?
Took you long enough! But I appreciate it all the same
Holy crow that's whack! Awesome deck!
I wasn't sure that there was any room left to boost!
I have a similar deck that focuses entirely on Theros (+a little m15), check it out! I have a small obsession for sea monsters and and even larger one for themed decks. This one is pretty dang cool, especially with Trench Gorger!
Pretty fantastic idea. It would definitely be a unique take on the game
Type your deck name...Sultai Empire Thank you! No, I only have about half of these unfortunately. I do plan on buying this deck ( or rather a better variant after some tweaks) which is why I haven't included things like fetchlands. Basically, it's on here so I could go back and look at it later. I'm starting to become really interested in MTGVault ( despite the fact that my glib-globbing gravatar won't pop up). I mainly have Garruk in here, because Relemin and I both already have him, but in the long run it and clever impersonator ( also because I have a copy) could be swapped out for something more like control or ramp. Maybe even Incrimental Growth. I'm not sure how well it would neccessarily play out with the deck, but hey, it's a great card and would help me solve my Sidisi being killed too easily. Actually, scratch that. Molting snakeskin. A one drop that would boost up the front and regenerate for 3 mana? Pretty fantastic. I would like Relemin's thoughts on here too if he can manage it, just for some more imput.
41-55 of 55 items