Magma Spray < Shock for sure
This is amazing.
It can but it's there because it was in the main list.... I haven't played it yet myself. He's probably a turn 3-4 drop as by then your should be in sufficient standing to just race your opponent with one drops and burn spells or just start racking up counters on shrine. I think it could very well jeopardize the pilot's life total as well but I feel like that is less likely just because one might not play any other spells with him on board. It's a very situation based card. Like... maybe what I'll personally try is 2 of the Eidolon and 2 Ash Zealot or something.
Love Notion Thief.... strangely he doesn't see alot of play in my local meta but I think he's awesome! +1!
I mean Izzet is where it's at I feel like.... But control definitely needs white in the long run.... as a casual deck this is fine but if one is trying to playing U/R competitively they are going to play Twin or Delver but this seems fun.
i would play 4 of each card and then run lands that way there's still more chance of getting what you need even though treasure hunt can win it for you. edit - although you need 5 lands to cast treasure hunt and start the combo..... so that's atleast turn 5 by then, in a modern match up... I'd imagine your opponent would be able to counter or stop it fairly easily... granted this is wonky and fun it'd probably be bad.
Spectral PROcession*** ^
-4 Hellspark Elemental +4 Vexing Devil
thanks for commenting on my Legacy Blade deck! i know you mentioned to have me come check this out... I really think this list looks fun and i will definitely be making note of this list to give it a try sometime!Thanks! and again, awesome build!
I like your deck but I went with the battalion mechanic being the central theme so that's where the differences are. lol sweet build though
added reckoner and tajic and took firemane to 3 because i like having options
LOL fixed.... added Reckoner.... he seemed like a good fit
i guess.... but i mean like... how long have you been collecting? like the dude in my town with the smallest collection even has a set or two of Rancor?!?! it's like a day 1 card...
rancor?!?! like 40 cents?
i suppose you could.... but they are definitely good to have... I'd probably switch out the drown in sorrow for devour flesh and/or doom blade for faster removal i know drown is good but idk.
you need mutavaults and more thoughtseize maindeck
so this format.... is like DRAFT rules? you can have more than a playset (x4) of a single card? seems bad...
if you like flash auras feral invocation from theros has potential too
why not play rancor in here? you know it IS legal for pauper right? you can use ANY card thats ever been printed as a common in pauper
yeah good call I'll try it both ways and see how it goes... I was almost thinking about playing Five Alarm Fire in that slot too lol.
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