I do it incase I'm in a tight spot and need to start making tokens. And it's a cheap count towards devotion.
Like the list for the most part. I'd always recommend faster removal though... possibly -1 or -2 downfalls for devour flesh? can't beat fast removal in standard
I've never considered Notion Thief but it's a cool idea. I'll definitely look into it.Thanks for the suggestion!
It's weird how everyone is posting a Kaalia list today.
I feel like with BNG you should switch Glare out of the board for Revoke Existence. It's pretty much strictly better as can target Gods.Also I feel like your board is too creature heavy... I'd put in another Aetherling and make that about it for additional board creatures. You board a second one for Thoughtseize. Maybe 2 Stormbreath Dragon. I just feel like with control the board doesn't accomplish much how you have it built. Boarding from control to midrange is kinda risky. If your deck is control you should keep it control and just board some answers for some of your opponents cards that you find yourself having problems with. But with as many creatures as you have in the board opposed to main deck I feel the board is a little bit like an unanswered question. "What are you trying to accomplish?"Im not trying to be a critic or anything just trying to provide what I hope is a valuable opinion. I like the list though.... just a weird board.
wheres your razorverge thicket man?
It is known...
I feel like 3 Kataki in the SB is a bit much.... most decks I've seen play 1 -2 tops... you should definitely open up the board a bit more.
idk man..... aura's isn't really about 3 drops and stuff..... seems like it'd be too slow
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