if it does turn out later that u have more artifacts in it such as decimator web or grind clock + shriekhorn, you may want to consider screeching silclaws
it runs too fast for control to keep up, mana leak does virtually nothing becasue i will almost always have 3 extra mana, and most control decks can only counter 1 or two things per turn while i"m casting 4 to 5 per turn after turn 3, plus i have solutions to control half the sideboard is engineered for anti control. plus i main board terra stompers
also i would main board at least 3 banefires and take out the mirror of fate
it would be a sound strategy if not for the fact that X in a copied spell = 0 so if you cast two banefires and the second one is an unpaid for copy then you'll only burn them for the first one
points for the demonic tutors but this deck is supposed to be a cheap quick easy build for new player and Bayou makes that near impossible +1 though
thank you very much it's always nice to hear such comments
i thank you for your comment however the only reason that there is no Iona Shield of Emeria, is because this deck always won before turn 9 and even it you got 1 mana out every turn you still won't have enough mana out to cast her and with no mana finders and fetcher this deck can only get mana out the traditional way. By turn 5 or six i'll usually get out baneslayer and that will be the end of it 2 or 3 Honor of the pure + Baneslayer + SMall army of angels + Large army of cheap to cast soldiers and knights = VICTORY
dude i've got to get one +1
you could also add a red element so you can use shunts and swerves "What's that you traumatize me? I don't think so, you traumatize yourself."
here take a look at my -1/-1 counter deck, it doesn't have to od with destroying your opponents stuff but still maybe you could get some ideas http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=37293
take out the plague winds (too expensive) put in Everlasting toment, it's cheaper, well themed for this deck and just sound more mean.
i would switch the 2 Righteousness for two more path to exiles but it's good +1
Savage lands produces green mana and if all i have is 2 creatures that need green four lands that are able to produce it should be plenty
Scute Mob
instead of doubling season might i recommend Gilder Bairn? it's easier to find and is better with things already on the field.
i've built a deck around Black and Green landfall, look it up and tell me what you think, it's called "Let the Lands Fall Where they May
since they all have 1 toughness it's obvious they're going do die easily so maybe have a Patriarch's Bidding perhaps
if your going to add Jace, then might a suggest a Gilder Bairn you could activate Jace's mill ability the second turn he's out! Ex. Play Jace, Gilder Bairn is tapped, activate Jace's first abilty, then pay 3 and untap Gilder Bairn, and Jace now has 10 loyalty! this is cheaper in mana cost and $ than doubling season and it's better for planeswalkers
instead of dark banishing why don't you put in some hideous ends they're the same cost but the creature's controller loses 2 life with hideous end
i would replace the temple gardens with gray pelt refuges, they are easier on the wallet and you gain life when it comes into play, not loose life. take out the fogs you have such a high defense you shouldn't need them. i would throw in tutors of some sort to complete it all, it's late and i'm too tired to put this together in my head and figure out more things you should cut, but +1
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