
21 Decks, 25 Comments, 0 Reputation

As of right now, I am working with the cards that I actually own. With that said, those are very good suggestions, I'll have to keep my eye out for those cards. I have a friend who might have a Kokusho available, but Lord of Extiction is probably out of reach at the moment.

Posted 16 November 2012 at 22:43 in reply to #304319 on Jarad, Golgri Lich Lord


Survival of the Fittest would do well in this deck. You'll probably always have creatures in hand at any given time and you can repeatedly activate the Survival of the Fittest and discard whatever creatures you want into your graveyard for creatures that you would rather have in play at the moment.

I just completed my own Jarad deck, any comments would be appreciated...

Posted 14 November 2012 at 13:14 as a comment on Jarad/Graveyard Fatties


I think some of the cards you used here would have been pretty awesome in the deck that I did for this. Specifically Endrek Sahr, and Necrotic Ooze. Call to the Netherworld is pretty fantastic as well.

Posted 12 November 2012 at 12:01 as a comment on Crap Card Challenge


This is what happened on that...

Step 1: I looked at the first line of rules text: "Pack Rat's power and toughness are each equal to the number of Rats you control."

Step 2: Set Pack Rats aside.

Step 3: Built rest of deck.

Posted 09 November 2012 at 13:37 in reply to #302782 on Sealed Deck 11/8/2012


Intagible Virtues is a good call, that should help me keep people for defense and still apply pressure each turn. I also like Rootborn Defense a lot, that one went in for sure with Sundering Growth moving to the sideboard in case I run into Oblivion Rings or something along those lines.

Collective blessing can't really be removed. It does a few things for the deck:
1: It pumps all the creatures since this deck is more of a swarm deck than having large creatures (thus the one rancor)
2: The pumped creatures make it so that if I sacrifice something to Feed the pack, I'll get more tokens and those tokens will be larger because of the Collective Blessings.

Posted 01 November 2012 at 21:14 in reply to #300760 on Growing Population


The deck looks like it should function. Just be careful when you are sideboarding. If you are going to be using Nevermore, it will exile Rancor rather than putting it into your hand so you'll probably want to make sure that you cut a Rancor or two if you are adding that card in between matches.

Posted 01 November 2012 at 19:07 as a comment on popuanus(standard) suggestions appreciated


Made some changes to the deck list (missed the cards you suggested in my searches). Collective Blessings works really well with what is happening in this deck, so Rancor was reduced to 1 copy (with Rogues Passage being added as well). Call of the Conclave is good, I just feel like I could find something better for 3 mana. I have adjusted the cards some so I don't have any really great creatures at the 3 spot so that one will work well for me.

Worldspine Wurm is probably way too expensive. I think that in this case I figured I would do that route instead since it would work pretty awesomely with Feed the Pack. Looking at it now, this deck is faster than I initially thought or intended it to be, so that is out and Armada Wurm is in.

Speaking of Feed the Pack, it wasn't really my intention to build the deck around that card, but it does work pretty well with some of the other cards I have going on. With the removal of The Worldspine Wurms, I cut one of them and used the space for one of the other enchantments.

As far as which cards I have... In this list I own a grand total of 16 cards (That is 6 Plains, 8 Forest, Rancor, and Wayfaring Temple). So it is honestly of no concern to me if I have the cards or not for this deck list. I just didn't have the desire to go find the best lands for it when I initially posted it (I tend to get a little lazy with my land selection since it is the last thing I do and at that point, I just want to be done).

Posted 30 October 2012 at 12:24 in reply to #300359 on Growing Population


Probably a good point. I don't think I really looked at the mana count. Probably should have done that. I wasn't really that happy with the deck anyway so that is probably why I didn't pay much attention to it.

Posted 26 October 2012 at 04:25 in reply to #299208 on Sealed Deck (2012.24.2012)


Rancor sucks, you should cut it...

Posted 23 October 2012 at 00:01 as a comment on Draft Deck


I am wishing I had drafted more of the blue cards in my deck and used the Harbor Bandit along with the exalted cards I have. Of course, I wouldn't have gotten many of those if I had been going blue/black rather than black/white so...

Posted 22 October 2012 at 08:26 as a comment on Draft Deck 10.22.2012


I think that you will want to create your sideboard to deal with the situational things you mentioned at the top.

Specifically, I would sideboard Ghost Quarter since it is in there to handle a specific card and use something like Izzet Guildgate or even just a couple of basic lands.

I like the Izzet Keyrune, but not sure where to fit it in (very helpful I know).

This is just a personal preference on my part, but I tend to avoid cards like Negate/Essence Scatter. There really isn't much worse than having a Negate in your hand when your opponent drops some crazy creature with haste that kills you on the spot. My personal favorite counterspell right now is Dissipate. You could also use Cancel, but you get more for the same cost with Dissipate.

Hopefully this is at least somewhat helpful to you, thanks for your comments on my Izzet Deck.

Posted 19 October 2012 at 08:56 as a comment on Izzet Tempo


I deleted that other comment because it was dumb but forgot to delete the pointless link to his "real izzet EDH" deck in case you are wondering what happened there...

Posted 18 October 2012 at 13:15 as a comment on Izzet EDH


Took out the Bonfire of the Damned since I won't be spending $30+ on a single magic card any time soon (or likely ever) so I put Wildfire in there instead.

Posted 12 October 2012 at 06:27 as a comment on Izzet EDH


To my knowledge, I am only missing two of the cards on the list...
Bonfire of the Damned (which I doubt you have)
Mnemonic Wall (which you might have)
Not on the list right now, but Archeomancer could be substituted for the Mnemonic Wall, but i don't have that one either.

Posted 12 October 2012 at 00:42 in reply to #295624 on Izzet EDH


RtR isn't on this site yet so I can't add the cards from that set that I intend to use in the deck. Those are listed below.
Izzet Charm, Izzet Guildgate, Izzet Keyrune

Posted 01 October 2012 at 14:58 as a comment on Its a Miracle!


Oh yeah... also need a Stuffy Doll

Posted 14 September 2012 at 08:25 in reply to #289443 on Kaervek the Merciless


Needed Cards
Kaervek the Merciless - Rare - Arch Enemy, Time Spiral
Maggot Carrier - Common - 8th/Planeshift
Bloodfire Dwarf - Common - Apocalypse
Plague Spitter - Uncommon - Invasion
Mortivore - Rare - Odyssey, 9-10th
Spiteflame Witch - Uncommon - Shadowmoor
Caustic Hound - Common - Mirrodin Besieged
Soulcage Fiend - Common - Acacyn Restored
Festering Evil - Uncommon - Weatherlight
Pyrohemia - Uncommon - Planar Chaos
Bond of Agony - Uncommon - Dissension
Kindle the Carnage - Uncommon - Dissension
Rupture - Uncommon - Nemisis
Inflame - Common - Prophecy, Darksteel
Fault Line - Rare - Urza's Saga
Steam Blast - Uncommon - Urza's Saga
Hurly Burly - Common - Lorwyn
Volcanic Fallout - Uncommon - Conflux
Seismic Shudder - Common - Zendikar
Whipflare - Uncommon - New Phyrexia
Sulfurous Blast - Uncommon - Time Spiral, Commander
Rakdos Carnarium - Common - Dissension

Posted 14 September 2012 at 07:32 as a comment on Kaervek the Merciless


If you can find an easy way to get some blue mana, you should consider putting Lobotomy in this deck. It would let you remove specific cards from the game that might threaten you.
As far as getting blue mana, something like Tainted Isle would probably do the trick. There are probably other basic lands that can generate blue/black for you as well (Underground River comes to mind). You'll probably want at least 6 cards that generate blue mana if you have 4 Lobotomy cards in there (I would probably try for 8 mana generators but that is just me).

Posted 06 September 2012 at 10:53 as a comment on All nightmare long


Maybe want to consider Mob Justice instead of Wild Guess. With a deck like this, it could potentially deal a lot of damage for only 2 mana.

Posted 06 September 2012 at 10:32 as a comment on Goblins bring Pandemonium!


Fixed, thank you sir

Posted 06 September 2012 at 09:17 in reply to #287212 on Kaervek the Merciless


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