Thanks for your advice
whether i can finnish my opponent will depend on a game to game basis, but i will say this much i have a possible turn 2 pseudo baneslayer angel which can't be dealt with by white and don't think can be countered by blue(not too sure about that) furthermore again depending on the game bloodfire dwarf whipes the board while you keep bashing with the vampires all countered up to fcuk w liflink no less. Then theres the constant damage to face by sunfire torch and sorin coupled with bloodghast. Not to mention that my game may be prolonged by all the lifelink. I think it stands a fair chance against other homebrewed type decks. I think i've got it as good as i can get it for what i want it to be Probably buy cards on mtgo soon and test it. If i can just win a few games with a deck like this where i've used my own creativity i'm usually happy.
just replaced blood artist for malakir bloodwitch.
Yes its a combo deck, the deck started out thinking of basilisk collar and what would be good to pair with it. then i thought of bloodfire dwarf saw sorin had basilisk style effect so main boarded that so if you draw dwarf you can combo of with that. Throne of geth and whisper of the dross also give extra depletion counters to peat bog and hickory woodlot; acts as the mana acceleration in this deck and if really pedantic sorin first ability gives +1/+1 counter to if its a vampire so that could get proliferated too (no end game in sight lol). bloodghast because it survives blood dwarf and fuels sorins second ability which works with glissa blood artist and bloodchief acsension. That mostly wraps up how it works. As for why a deck like this? Well i can tell you i'm a very right brain thinker and i pay attention to the "feel" and fusion of the deck. Thanks for your interest much appreciated :)
I like it a lot lets smash the meta using our cunning. i still proudly remember a game i (somehow) won against what are they called again oh yeah emrakul how could i forget. ps i personally have never won any of my games with either a jace or emrakul. pps i dont need force of will either got enough force of will of my own ha. nice one stalwart deck idea and an inspirational movement within the game.
anyway looking at your rep i feel i have to say thanks for commenting on an n'wah like myself
Even nocturnus can save itself from bolt via scrying in this deck. (or so i believe)
Anyway the outcomes of my deck building is never far above casual but the synergy in my decks are usually top notch. Thanks for your input Grim haruspex does actually sound quite tempting but somehow when i play that card i get that frantic feeling to get use out of it before it goes much in the same way as liberator of malakir if you know what i mean too much of a target in other words. Sorry if that sounds dumb.
To be honest I probably subconsciously wanted to build the best deck I could centred around reaper of the wilds I purposely avoid cards that I deem to be too overpowered but instead like using decent cards and focusing on gaining the advantage by merit of synergy alone as much as possible if that makes sense
Yes actually I was have you got any tips for me?
thanks for input much appreciated, i agree may need at least two more body cards. i'll give it all some more thought about sac outlets too and again thanks for your thorough input.
Spose i went for less focus on hand of emrakul and more focus on evasion
the makings of a decent deck. good work
nice deck bro deserves some likes
Loving the flavour of this deck
i'd like to play this deck as a challenge nice original
nice deck I dig voldaren pariah. good job
Lol I love that anime
Or put mtg deck life loss in youtube some dude filmed one of my games while I was in Japan.
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