
70 Decks, 269 Comments, 70 Reputation

for insight into what my V4 may hold, i am currently investigating implimenting 3 rewinds/treachery's This should make even higher mana ramp.

anywho, let me know if you don't know why i have certain cards in the deck, all cards serve a purpose no matter what the situation. also let me know if you want me to look at your deck. Thanks!

Posted 16 May 2013 at 20:03 as a comment on Eldrazi Annihilation V3


include those side decks, but i think i agree with jfuzz, anyone with a heavy instant deck will see no resistance from you.

Posted 16 May 2013 at 19:57 in reply to #353226 on Vampires


cloudpost, vesuva, glimmerpost.

Posted 16 May 2013 at 19:00 as a comment on instant win land deck


hex vamp with some dark depths

Posted 16 May 2013 at 18:35 in reply to #353226 on Vampires


look for some instants or spells that let you cast spells for free.. Rewind looks like it will work well with the cloudposts.... hmm im gonna add that to my deck. dream halls. pretty good for your deck intuition, personal tutor. defense grid. let me know if your wondering why, on any of the suggested cards.

Posted 16 May 2013 at 18:27 in reply to #352858 on Everything Comes Into Play


i would suggest searching for a 2nd and 3rd win option. perhaps some mental missteps atleast in your side deck to counter a counter. surgical extraction can get rid of any cards that hit their graveyard, and all others too. hmmm, 20 islands, a bit un needed, lets make it 12 islands, 4 cloudposts, 4 vesuva's (most your stuff is colorless. and hard casting is just as good. maybe lighthouse chronologist (spelling) i had issues with a counterspell deck. so i put some spellburst (works well with cloudposts. i focused green with my blue, so i did alot of green blue lands with my wammy deck. so i had things like vexing susher on the side. with a birds of paradise for more color mana.silver myr cost 2 mana for just blue mana. birds cost 1 mana and gave me any mana. you may want to consider that. look at my eldrazi smash, it may have some ideas.

Posted 16 May 2013 at 18:13 in reply to #352858 on Everything Comes Into Play


also, side note, you will need card advantage. need some way of drawing cards, maybe 4 skullclamps? dunno, you may know a card draw that fits in better :)

Posted 15 May 2013 at 22:33 in reply to #352849 on Artefact deck


change of plan, run 4 vesuva's and 4 cloudposts. don't need silver myr if your running all islands ;)

Posted 15 May 2013 at 22:32 in reply to #352849 on Artefact deck


i like primordial titan.

Posted 15 May 2013 at 22:27 as a comment on Best cards in MTG (list)


you should have more variation, its counterable with one spell :(

Posted 15 May 2013 at 22:07 as a comment on Everything Comes Into Play


surgical extraction can easily kill a deck, as long as you know what their deck does.

Posted 13 May 2013 at 18:50 in reply to #350562 on Ninjutsu- help!


also, much like actual ninja's, you won't want many "wammies" the ninja deck should focus on disabling their deck and, than they won't be able to block anyway, don't rely on a 6/5 ninja, if its gone that long, than its all by chance anyway. my friend who played ranked taught me 2 things for any deck. always try to have 4 of a card in your deck, you want to have a deck that reliably pulls around the same hand every game. and 2) don't have a card that you dread to see. and that 6/5 card is very very specific in a game that it would turn the tide. i would say 3 Higure, the Still Wind, he is legendary, so if you put 2 out, they both go to graveyard (can't have 2 of the same legendary on field.)

Posted 13 May 2013 at 18:49 in reply to #350562 on Ninjutsu- help!


the main thing you want to remember is that you want to take away the deficit you get when you replace your card with a ninja. if you put out a 2 blue mana creature, and that lets you cast a ninja card for 1 less. you have now removed the 2 blue creature and the ninja cost 1 more in the totality of the exchange. thats why the creeping tarpit is a free, back into play card, just like the 0 cost artifacts creatures. best combo in this deck is the Thalakos Seer, Shrieking Drake, remove thalako's seer and draw a card. than recast thalakos seer. attack with the drake, and if you can, switch it with a ninja, and start the self milling cycle to get all your good cards fast. card advantage is huge!

Posted 13 May 2013 at 18:44 in reply to #350562 on Ninjutsu- help!


sai's are good, but the club adds more omph, the sai's are much faster, just different strokes. The sword of body and mind, is great if you can equip on an unblockable, it just creates hords of creatures to defend or attack while milling their deck. (good with a surgical extraction) creeping tarpit is good when you get in a standstil and you just need to push through a line of their defence. it says unblockable so you can use it to just push super hard, you switch it with a ninja, and than (since its a land) it comes back in play for free. its a mid late game card.

Posted 13 May 2013 at 18:39 in reply to #350562 on Ninjutsu- help!


4 primeval titans, 4 vesuvas 4 cloudposts. minus 8 forests, minus 4 other cards for the titans.

Posted 10 May 2013 at 20:46 as a comment on Mana Ramp Madness


signal pest instead of ornithropter? no point, they need a flying to block either one, but one costs less.
when you look at my deck, let me know if you have any questions of "why" for certain cards, cause they all play an important part.

Posted 10 May 2013 at 20:43 in reply to #350562 on Ninjutsu- help!


This is mine, i based it off another deck on here

the one i based it on.

there is also another ninja weapon that costs 1 mana to put out, gives ninja +1 +1 and it works like ronan warclub.

thats about as best as i got. other than that, i would try to put in some cloudposts and vesuvas for the ramp.

Posted 10 May 2013 at 20:40 in reply to #350562 on Ninjutsu- help!


i thought about it a little more, what may help you as well, in the way that you intended, is Sensei's Divining Top, with some fetch lands. it will take a few plays by yourself to get it, but you can check the top card with sensei and if you don't like any of the 3 cards, you can fetch a land, to shuffle the deck ;) perhaps that would be more usefull to you, or atleast in continuing what your trying to do with this deck :)

Posted 25 April 2013 at 16:57 as a comment on eldrazi surprise party


check my eldrazi smash deck, there are some ideas there too. has mana ramp and you could probably replace some of my cards with ones in your deck.

Posted 25 April 2013 at 16:51 as a comment on eldrazi surprise party


leyline of the void, traumatize, surgical extraction, keening stone. all i can think of, sorry if its doubles :)

Posted 15 April 2013 at 18:16 as a comment on Cthulhu (Not Eldrazi)


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