Cool deck! I love knights.i am definitely not a fan of the Student and would not play 4 of them. I understand it is your 1-drop but I would include Bonesplitters for that purpose; they would be devastating with double-strike.Also I would consider adding a Hero of Bladehold to add Battle Cry to the mix. Have fun!
The benefit of Hidden Strings seems somewhat reduced if the creatures I am untapping cannot block because they have Shadow... Following gon184's suggestion above I have included Hands of Binding and Last Thoughts, can't wait to test that!
I like your definition of "funny"! I thought about including Crypt Rats as a sideboard option in case I am facing a Weenie, but in order to deal 2 damge to each creature I would require 5 mana, while Evincar's Justice does the same for 4 plus damges the players and has buyback (although I rarely have the mana for that). In order for Crypt rats to be efficient against ramp I need 8 lands, which is just not realistic IMO.Still, thank youfor reminding me to include Evincar's Justice!
Thank you for the comment!I like the suggestion, not sure how to slip it in there though. The Bonesplitters are more versatile because they stay on the Battlefield if the creature dies, Auras are so fragile...
Pauper is an Online format that uses only Commons; cards that were Common at any point in time are legal in the format, even if they were later reprinted as Uncoms, so most of your suggestions are not legal in this format.Cipher is a great idea! I am looking at Hands of Binding, Last Thoughts and Shadow Slice, I'll have to playtest before I actually include any of those.Thanks again!
Thanks for the comment!Indeed, this deck has vulnerabilities. I guess I could adjust the sideboard with more counters to balance against a burn deck. Do you have suggestions? What would you see in there?
Just noticed you said we need to comment a deck with 0 previous comments :
Love what you are doing here!
You made me like Thrun so much I built a nice deck just for him. Here:
Rofellos is banned as a Commander; I would rather suggest that you use Omnath as a Commander and shove Thrun back in the deck. Omnath is cheaper to cast and will allow for that insane mana curve you are looking for. Cheers!
I tried something like this in Legacy and honestly the biggest problem is Maralen herself allowing your opponent to grab exactly what they need from their deck in order to prevent you from getting any further into your combo. I did win one game on turn 3 but besides that nothing. Once word got through the room about what I was playing I didn't stand a fighting chance. It's back to Black Suicide for me!
Great deck! It would be fun to play in a Proxy allowed tournament of some sort just for laughs. I have to say you cheated though : Dryad Arbor : Land Creature - Forest Dryad 1/1 Technically speaking it is a land... Still nice job, Quest for Ancient Secrets is a good call in my opinion
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