
42 Decks, 128 Comments, 55 Reputation

Quite a few changes occurred during the actual deck building, accounting for comments received here as well as cards popping to mind or coming up while going through my collection.

I have included more cards that benefit from the ramp (Green Sun Zenith, Steel Hellite, Forced March) and eliminated all smaller creatures to the benefit of more big ones. Phage had to go because I included Lurking Predators.

I also refocused the removal on more versatile and efficient cards like Hero's Downfall, Back to Nature and Bramblrcrush.

Playtest is tomorrow night!

Posted 14 August 2014 at 06:20 as a comment on Rampant Chaos


Note that only +1/+1 and -1/-1 conters work that way; for instance a +2/+2 counter would have no effect on one ore more -1/-1 counters.

Temporal Extorsion is a nice touch, I never noticed this card before, now I want to play it. It is devastating before an attack...

Posted 14 August 2014 at 04:38 in reply to #494019 on Black Power!


According to the rule update in M10 +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters remove each other as a State Based Effect now. So they actually go away entirely.

Posted 13 August 2014 at 19:18 in reply to #494019 on Black Power!


Fun times!

Is it me or is Fate Unraveler kind of useless with Maralen? Vampire Nighthawk would be nice with Sanguine Bond.

Posted 12 August 2014 at 21:59 as a comment on Erebos's Army


Gotta love a merciless black deck!

I vould lose the rings and replace with Lightning Greaves; the extra attack should more than make up for the slow +1/+1. Also the ring can't be equipped on Geralf's Messenger cause then he loses his Undying ability. Actually I would even throw a Serrated Arrows in there, which can remove the +1/+1 to let him come back a few more times, or kill a chomp blocker before you attack.

I would replace the Bloodline Keepers with Abyssal Persecutors and switch out some spells for Diabolic Edict to get rid of him when you are ready to win.

I agree you should add at least one Nyx in there, even if it makes the deck 61 cards.

Posted 12 August 2014 at 20:25 as a comment on Black Power!


Always a pleasure, this is such a nice community! :)

Please feel free to comment on any of my deck if you feel like it.

Posted 12 August 2014 at 19:59 in reply to #489171 on Knights for Days


Indeed! Although it is vulnerable to graveyard hate I am really happy with the overall feel of this deck. I love it when browsing at the art on the cards tells a story, I feel I have achieved this here.

Posted 06 August 2014 at 03:45 in reply to #491293 on Golgaritual


Thank you!

I have only played it in one sanctioned event and finished second; I lost to Infect due to a misplay on my part.

I am really looking forward to give it more mileage, just too busy with work right now.

Posted 06 August 2014 at 03:42 in reply to #491292 on Endless Mutilation


Can't argue with playtest! And yes, I was hinting more towards a 2/2 split for bonesplitters.

Posted 06 August 2014 at 03:40 in reply to #489171 on Knights for Days


Steel of the Godhead is the best combo I found so far; you can abuse Exalted cards too, like I did: \\trsb-hyperion\Production_T\clients\M\Mc Lean Budden\2014\14-10800\001_EN_FR\09-Proof\02_VER\Batch 2

Posted 05 August 2014 at 19:32 in reply to #491215 on The spirits of the dead


Looking great! Don't hesitate to comment on some of my decks if you feel like it.

Posted 05 August 2014 at 18:20 in reply to #491172 on The spirits of the dead


Glad I could help.

It is true that Geist is not flying, however the Angel token is and is "insured" by the Drover. One Aura you may want to consider which would make the GoST evasive and would also be great on Drugskol Captain is Steel of the Godhead.

Posted 05 August 2014 at 17:06 in reply to #491172 on The spirits of the dead


I like the spirit of your deck (pun intended); here are my observations.

Your mana-base has a lot of lands that will come into play tapped; I am guessing you don't want to include Shock Lands (price prohibitive?) but I think you should consider Filter Lands (Sunken Ruins and Fetid Heath) since you can use the colorless mana on many of you spells. Also with this low mana cuurve I would cut down to 21 lands.

You do not have 1-drops in your deck; I suggest you consider Doomed Traveler to replace 2 lands and a Midnight Haunting.
You also left out one of the major Spirits which I thik should definitely be included: Geist of St-Traft. I would take out one Bident and two Drovers and replace with 3 x GoST.

Have fun!

Posted 05 August 2014 at 15:17 as a comment on The spirits of the dead


Nice deck, but I wouldn't play with my friends, they would get too pissed!

I just wanted to point out that you said a few times that "Enlightened Tutor = Gets you your Torpor Orb, in your hand", while it actually puts it on top of your Library. I am guessing you were implying that but figured it was worth clarifying for the readers.

This list makes me want to build a Phage reanimation deck. :)

Posted 04 August 2014 at 20:58 as a comment on M15 Hushwing Meets Torpor Orb


I must admit that Juzam and Plague Sliver are just personal favourites but would be best suited in other formats, so they found the exit. If possible I am keeping Nantuko Shade, Stromgald Crusader and Order of the Ebon Hand cause the pumping makes them valid threat even in a late game.

Bloodgift Demon and Whip of Erebos seem like very good sugestions, I am adding. All this talk about evasion made me change my Puppet Strings for Eldrazi Monument.

These changes make me happy, but have not made room for additional lands...

Posted 04 August 2014 at 19:22 in reply to #490783 on Rampant Chaos


Thank you for commenting!

I am used to seeing the Grave Pact style cards in decks that abuse reanimation; in this deck it doesn't seem like it would create much of a mechanic. Still I added Butcher of Malakir because the fact that it is also a creature makes it more versatile.

I had not included Necropotence because it used to be banned in my group of players as a Gentleman's rule, but this was mostly relevant for duels and I don't believe it is a problem for multiplayer games.

I already have Mimic Vat that can be used to replicate a come into play effect; I don't hate Erratic Portal in there, but I can't seem to make room for it.

Talking about making room, I would be willing to add a few lands; what would you take out for that purpose?

Posted 04 August 2014 at 18:35 in reply to #490783 on Rampant Chaos


Thank you for the detailed comment!

I didn't follow closely on the last few sets, I didn't know Deathreap Ritual; auto include indeed.
Why do I keep forgetting about Grim Feast? Is it the ugly art? The fact that I want to forget all about 1996? I'll find room for it.
You also make very valid points about my hasty removal selection, I may actually take you up on all these.

Let me know how you like the adjustments and don't hesitate to make more of these pertinent remarks. :)

Posted 04 August 2014 at 17:56 in reply to #490770 on Rampant Chaos


Thank you for your comment!

I used to have the charms in the SB, but it seemed I was always siding them in after game one, either against Twin, Dredge, Affinity or just to manage a Batterskull. I get what you're saying though, in my original build I was running Blightning instead; I would consider putting them back in.

What would you lose from the SB to make room for the 3 Rakdos Charms?

Posted 04 August 2014 at 15:43 in reply to #490242 on Endless Mutilation


Thanks V., that is more or less the build I used to have (Mutavaults and Verdant Cats) but my initial hands often lacked the red mana needed for turn 1 Vexing Devil or Goblin Guide; maybe I was just Unlucky?

I agree that Man Lands can be an edge when a game stretches after a board/gy wipe; I'll try a few changes.

Posted 01 August 2014 at 21:08 in reply to #489940 on Endless Mutilation


Indeed; I used to run 3 Mutavaults in this deck, but they often ended up crippling my starting hand from a much needed first turn red mana. I opted for Cavern of Souls instead because they do not have this downfall.

Do you have a suggestion on how to integrate the Mutavaults without causing mana screw?

Posted 01 August 2014 at 18:55 in reply to #489940 on Endless Mutilation


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