I would get rid of couple bigger mana things and get some felidar sovereign. That card with your two spells would be awesome.
yeh you're right. Cheers
ah forgot it was from hand. Bloodchief is awesome.
I prefer rampaging baloth to baloth woodcrasher. Primeval titan would be better than grave titan if you have them. Otherwise looks fun.
looks awesome man. potent as. Have you thought about lilianas caress.
I wonder whether a dark ritual would help. Just for extra mana to help level up a dude
Yeh I think I'll play this deck alot more in the future. it is a lot of fun to play with. I thinkcause if you get a bad hand it slows it right down I got beat a couiple times in a row and put it aside and semi forgot about it.
That would work sweet. I was unsure about the farhaven as I don't really need that land that early. Getting it late game is more key once Ob and baloth is out. So having this guy out then when you block with him and bring in a land for his death is gold. Cheers. BTW it is not uncommon to be zapping for 9 or even 12 with ob each turn.
Thought about it and wall of omens is gone and the gear is in. I think that will work very well. Cheers
Awesome black white tap. I like it alot. Good stuff
Free tap would be very handy actually. I'll have to test run that. Cheers mate
big lebowski awesome man
I have another tap deck thats white blue. I find sunblast angel quite handy. I took out my sun titans for her. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=234610
ALthough your life gain is there with draw cards I worry about defence against any sory of aggro deck.
maybe i should ditch the wall of omens for adventuring gear. Umbra card draw is bloody handy and really helps this deck a lot. Thankyou for your comment btw.
I do have adventuring gear at home. Hard to know what to get trid of. harrow and terramorphics work great. I was thinking about getting rid of the umbra but it provides that bit of protection which is handy adn single cards can get so brutal once the land starts bouncing and falling.
Yeh its good fun. You can either tap each to kill or or just tap them to shrink the defenders.
pulse is awesome. Especially in multiplayer as it hurts all opponents.
cabal coffers wont be very useful unless your playing mainly swamps without plains.
Yeh I think your right. Everything costs not much. Might increase Elspeth by 1 and mabe another Ballyrush. That will help mana to. I finf Elspeth Knight-Errant brilliant in her ability to create a flyer each turn. Thankyou for your comment. Appreciated.
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