also check out my U/W detain deck if ya can id love to hear your feedback!
the only thing i can think of that could stop this deck in its tracks would be gideon champions ultimate
i like this deck!maybe sb a few R/G instants to combo with lobber crew? maybe branching bolt? destructive revelry or pit fight to get some creatures outta the way
liked!i have a sliver deck very similar to this and ive always wanted to put domri in it just never got my hands on oneawesome build dude
liked!maybe loxodon smiter? or peach garden oath?
wow youre absolutely right this deck needs that
also adding quicken to the sb for supreme verdict
i would love to put isochron scepter in but this one needs to stay standard for nowand yes verdict and rest in peace are going in the sbthanks!!
no sweat. if you dont mind check out my U/W control deck and let me know what you think!
god these decks are a monster to play againstnice job!
if ya dont mind check out my W/B extort deck and lemme know whatcha think!
im more thinking of merciless will completely wipe your army outi would add brave the elements to stop mass removal
jaheeze nice! adamantian is right mirran crusader is a beastjust be aware of removal and board wipe...hopefully mom will take care of your creatures in that scenario
cool i would say sb shock for cancel, but ya beat me to itim actually going to suggest this type of deck to a friend of mine...he just pulled a tajic yesterday from a packnice job!
that makes perfect sense to me, i just end up playing against more control decks in my area...everyone plays either mono black devotion, U/R/W control, R/G aggro, or B/W whipi have had decent luck running 2 martial law also, but i think here that would get in the way of blind obedienceand quickening a supreme verdict sounds like a rage-win condition all on its own
i think gray merchant would be good for your sb hes pretty awesome in mono black devotion
i had thought this was an actual build you have going on...i think if you had more foundries you wouldnt need me to tell you to add them :P
this deck looks like a TON of fun! first thing i can think of to adjust would be the land...i think you would do better with 4 sacred foundriesworst thing here is that this deck is very vulnerable to board removal ie merciless eviction...maybe add in dissolve to prevent that or encode onto the arcanist or even syncopate
nice deck! these decks are a lot of funi would definitely add in 4 glimpse the unthinkable. its a really pricey card, but mill ten for 2 mana is amazing.consider taking out consult the necrosages? also maybe add in tome scour for another 1 dropi might also pop in some creature removal, just in case something happens to not get discarded...victim of night? doom blade perhaps?
good build! had i the resources this is what my U/W deck would look like!just my two cents...i would main render silent and sb cyclonic rifti just see render silent doing more good especially early on...might be one more mana but the control and spell stoppage is worth it imo
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