it's not a benefit until it's harmful to them. and if they are drawing more cards but not taking dmg from it, then it's not helping u.
I did consider holwing mine. But choose that front of mythos made more sense even tho it is 4 cmc. I also took into account that dropping a turn 2 howling mine doesn't do any dmg, as underworld dreams or spriteful visions isn't out. So whats the point of a turn 2 holwing mine.
I mostly agree. and running 1 dark prophecy is pointless u might as well run none. u probably wont draw one to have out by turn 3. If u want to see better devotion design. check out my mono black devotion, and my black devotion with splash of green (fear the dead). what's debatable in my devotion deck is what to run at 3cmc for creatures. and maybe at 4 cmc. but u have to consider whats on the market atm. I think devotion will get better when the next set is released!
well the ordeals are meant to also trigger heroic from the agent of fates to force them to sacrifice a creature. it has the added benefit of being a death touch. so by adding the +1/+1 it makes it a little stronger, by the time u get to 3 counters, and discard it, you'll have a 6/5 death-touch. and because it doesn't specify that those counters have to come from the ordeals, so hypothetically u could use scavenge to play off the the ordeal 1 turn sooner by discarding a slitherhead to a loleth troll (giving it +1/+1) , or jarad's orders and then for 0 giving the agent another counter. also by having a death touch on the field they might be less inclined to atk until they have a removal spell to deal with it. what I think u don't see is the lack of spell removal in my build, it's all build into creatures, to help build up devotion so u can kill your enemy by dealing life loss from gray mechants. But I appreciate your suggestions!
did u happen to see my monogreen devotion deck? there is a splash of black in it, but it's only 3 copies of 1 card, and 4 lands to support it.
I don't think it's annoying to ask ppl to review your deck ideas. what would be the point of this deck building function if we couldn't cuirte other ppls ideas.
it's a 2/2 flyer with death touch. yes u could play that nightvail. but it isn't the greatest blocker. as mine has death touch. and will have lifelink after u drop the whip. it makes as much of a impact as a blocker as it does a attacker. and may force someone to use a removal on it. Also I already got 2 high value cards at 3 that I want to drop, I don't need a 3rd one. the real win con is the gray merchant. yeah I agree the 3 devotion from nightvail is nice. but it's also such a minor value for a 2/3 flyer vs a 2/2 flyer w/ D.T.. ur 2/3 can't kill most hexproof. It'll be nice to see whats new in the next set. Maybe there will be more mono black cards, that I could use to fill some of my spots. like at 2 cmc. but for the time being I just don't see the point in changing much out of this deck, unless u want to revert to modern, or EDH. tho I could see replacing the lifebane zombie for the nightvail.
yeah, removal. kinda don't think it's needed right away. Better to try to let the Agent, and the Des. Demon try to handle their creatures. and lothel is good because it can be regenerated. The real win condition is the devotion.
I must ask, why aren't u running: flicker abilities (Conjurer's Closet ). And blind obedience? As flicker helps u to replay detain from a previously played creature. And Blind obedience slows their ability to block you, and if they have a haste deck (Rakos, or Garaul) it prevents them from attacking you on their opening play. Not like ur playing standard. So you can use Innistrad.
yes, but they are prone to removal. So it's better if u run 2-4 curses, and drop the creatures to add some removal into your deck in case they drop some big turn 4 creature.
u deck is almost the same as mine. Also u should add the red curse enchantment. forces attacks on u.
u don't have enough things in your deck to trigger Heroic. Unless your planing on doom blading your own creatures. Also 59/60 cards!
not bad, But I don't see why u want underworld dreams, when Dark Prophecy does gives u the same 3 cmc board presence, and gives u card draw. Doesn't hurt your opponent, but then with devotion u don't need to do 1 dmg, when your board presence will do that for u!
Devor flesh might seem weak. But if u have Erebros on the field, your opponent can't gain life, so it becomes a cheep removal with no draw back!
it's not about forcing them to tap. it's about forcing them not to tap them. As I said stall, if they don't want to tap them then they aren't playing creatures. if they aren't playing creatures then they'll have a harder time winning. it's so I can get to the point where if they play a creature I can kill it. I don't want to kill all their smaller creatures..I want to slow them down, and control them...
You should have a look at my r/b deck I made...very similar to this one. but it's catered to a more specific design.
not needed when he is running blood artist. which is a cheeper version of the same ability.
u could try self mill, toss in some draw mechanics, and run a play set of 4 immortal servitude's. then toss in 1 or 2 elixir of immortality. then u could look at dropping the 28 down to 18. u'll still get apostles. but it's not the same way as u would of wanted...
Maybe they made Llanowar elfs, and mystic, so there is more options, allowing for both to be used in EDH. What I don't get is why this deck doesn't have crypt ghost. for extra mana for extort!!
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