forget my comment, made in error.
his ability is sweet too...
Marines have a saying when shooting a saw. "die fluffy bunny die." it supposed to be the right amount of timing it should take from start to finish before releasing the trigger. to give the right amount of rate of fire, before u start to lose control over the weapon's accuracy, and heat.
I like mogis...he's pretty good if u build the right deck around him..
nice deck, would be cool to see in DoTP.
yes, and yet it also wipes your everything unless Avacyn is out, including your lands. (but I'm sure u knew that already, not trying to patronize you, but maybe other newbies didn't know that)
I was seeing the same issue. no ramp, and extra mana abilities, nothing special to get Avacyn out early. So ur looking to hard cast Avacyn at 8 mana. It'll be hard to each that. imo, u need some life gain, and or some sort of extra mana ability.
There is so much I would of loved to add to this deck. But I was intentionally trying to keep the cards CMC 4 or less. This is obviously very vulnerable to control, and removal decks. But it has the chance to be pretty strong. I was also building around the theme of soldiers/tokens, and trying to make it fast by dumping out 3-4 of them a turn. I kinda wish I was able to build this as a 3 color deck, then I could use some of the really nice g/w cards that target more then 2 cards @ a time. I'd love to hear some feed back on my deck design...
don't listen to Dantanius, just go look at his deck builds...and you'd see he's just trolling...cause he obviously has no clue what he's talking about!!
I have a ment condition one from tempest. found it laying around with a unfinished deck I was building back during urza's saga.
I'm already a fan of vampires that add counters. but I'd like to see some form of recurable proliferate in the deck. I have a b/r vamp deck that uses proliferate, and counters. u should look it up, maybe u'd like it!
wait can't u only have 1 legendary creature in your deck, and that's your commander? if so then your deck build is illegal.
this is a table top, none competitive/budget deck. No mox, no power 9. this deck wont win a real ventage format. Sorry! don't mean to be mean.
I saw this when formulating an idea for a new deck. Disciple of the Vault, and thought it fit your deck really well!!!
I'm just wondering what's your win con in this deck? I think it's a cool design. I just don't know what ur trying to accomplish u are only running 2 warcoil warms. u got alot of card draw and land excel. but the cost of the cards ur running is a concern to me. I also think that Lillian of the vail is missplaced.
Is this a budget deck? Because I think u need some dual lands. running 4x underworld dreams which requires 3 black, I don't think you'll consistently will hit 3 black lands by turn 3. Also I feel that sign in blood is misplaced here. Also Spiteful visions would be nice as well! but that might make u want to rethink the creatures in your deck. I've been meaning to make a black/blue draw deck. I keep forgetting!! I did make a black red deck tho. u should check it out.
I'd think u'd want to add contaminated grounds. and read the bones are both nice here.
what deck u literally have 3 cards in it...
Poet, protection keeps u from targeting it with a spell that has that color in it. Also if protection is on a creature, and it blocks a creature of that color, then it will take no dmg. however, if u are playing say phyxrian obliterator, and attack and he blocks with a pro. black creature he will still sacrifice 2 permanents, do to dealing 2 dmg to the P.O.
I think u need a sac outlet. and maybe drop the Agent of fates. IDK what vipers kiss is doing here. Seems out of place. u have too many 1 drops with that and the festering newt. Which makes no since when u wouldn't want to self target the agent with a harmful spell to get off heroic. I mean u could. I just don't like it, unless it's needed (game winning strategy). (Vipers kiss) it's not going to have any impact in standard. frankly I dislike Festering newt, but it's a decent blocker, that can knock out a 2/2. with all the low CmC cards u got, you'll have a hard time winning. This isn't an Extort deck, which needs more low cmc.
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