Saw it, but my problem is simply the game plan: I do recognize, first and foremost, the brutal speed an Infect deck has, because, after all, Mono G is a Tier 2 deck. But, my build is based more as a midrange-control deck that focuses on value and creature support in the form of removal and counters, instead of just one sack of eggs in one basket. That said, that deck of yours needs dual lands in order to work properly, at least 6-8, and pump spells that can protect your creatures (if dead with all ze pumps, it won't work)
At first thought, discard suite actually does a good job at taxing enemy decks, but the price tag of Thoughtseize may be a bit too much for a "budget" deck, so that was my reasoning to go for Duress instead (especially since creatures can be killed easily, a spell is harder to interact with). Next, Thalia and Gaddock both help, but with the low curve of modern decks, Teeg can be a bit off, so it could belong to the SB. Elspeth is a nice one and I'll test two of em instead of Sorin. And Goyf...well, that one is a bit too pricey to end games for me (at least, if someone wants to use this build, by all means slip at least 3)
While the idea was born out of casual while reading the mothership's archives, what do you think it can bring in order to be full competitive, aside from the mana base?
I know, but it counts as a fixer and extra permanent to exile to Descent, that was my reason to include it in this list
It looks like a decent idea, but the creatures and the support suite are pretty lacking, and also, SnarlingToes, DON'T SPAM. With that heavy curve, 23-24 lands work best, too bomb dependant for the weenies to be unnoticed
No spam please
Normally, the biggest interaction Slither has besides of a chump block, is with Lotleth Troll, to gain two +1/+1 counters without paying mana, but I think that card is a little underrated, as it can serve as a sac outlet to Bone Splinters and Launch Party, or as a form of turing Unleash creatures off blocking in the case that they entered without the counter
Slitherhead works as a chump blocker, or a +1/+1 counter, depending on where it is, or a sac outlet to Bone Splinters. Shambler can work as an evasive creature on black decks, or an aggro approach as a Zombie, and can serve well beyond death due to Scavenge, but the Skaab only works as a robust defender, so I would leave it out. Seeing your SB, I think you could cut a Stitched Drake for an extra Ruinator, due to size differences and the resilience the Ruinator brings as it's able to be casted from GY
Bombo is what is called a combo that seems it could work, but it doesn't really,because of rulings, there are a lot of them. If you wish to use a different removal than Slips, the other option at the same mana is Bone Splinters (sorcery, destroy a creature at the cost of a creature sacrifice). Because of the Zombie approach, I would advice to run the full set of Captains, due to the bonus and the resilience of pinging 1 life for every death, cutting one Armored Skaab. And the Alchemies work very nicely to fill the graveyard, although for this deck, you could run Forbidden or the Twists. About the lands, for a deck that its curve ends at 5, you can safely 22-23, and I would advise using Desolate Lighthouse to fill the graveyard while drawing cards at the same time. For the Ruinator, main deck I feel the same that you: a lack of creatures to exile, but it could work as an SB one
I did see that deck, and the main problem is that the proposed game plan is diluted into very different ideas: a Zombie approach, Burning Vengeance and milling targeting the opponent. Issue? Not so many removal from main (Sever the Bloodline is dead if you encounter things with hexproof) and SB (the Pharaoh only works in the GY, that can be hosed), lack of spells that activate on graveyard outside of Gravecrawler, and a ratio of more creatures than flashback spells. Check my comment for the rest, but other than that, the deck is a very nice concept
Nice idea, but I disgress on some points, like the use of the Vengeance as the only form of removal, the ratio on creatures/spells (due to the dual nature of the game plan, and being that Vengeance works a lot better with flashbacks than Gravecrawler only), and SB. For starters, I advise some burn or Tragic Slips (due to the amount of sacrifice you are able to generate), cutting the Screeching Skaabs and one Sever the Bloodline for Searing Spears. Havengul Lich does not feel like a good inclusion here, and I would advice using an extra Ghoulcaller for that effect, in case of going the Zombie approach. For SB, try to run Duress, as it can be one form or getting rid of graveyard hate, as well as counterspells (Negate, Dissipate, etc.), instead of a 3rd-4th Grimoire and Alchemist (and Alchemist is a bombo if you decide to bring the Grimoire also, as the ability hoses the very creatures you want to reanimate)
Not a bad idea, but I disgress on the amount of counters, because of possible mana constraints, if possible use things like Force of Will/Foil/Daze (they are free spells). Other things to watch: replace Convolute for Mana Leak, Leak is cheaper and is not as hindered by the extra 1 mana requirement of Convolute, and remove the Remove Soul for something more like the classic Counterspell (that lifts more weight for its price). Speaking of SB, I must ask: what are you trying to do with the 15 cards?
For me, when using a high profile morbid card, is to be able to consistently turn it on, regardless of what the opponent is doing, and regardless of combat, that is why an argument for Splinters can be made, especially if you don't use sacrifices yourself. If you think you can use morbid consistently, go for Slips, otherwise, stick to Splinters, especially with the Crawlers plan.
I use 3 Dregs myself, and are an aggro thing to death, boasting 3 power for 3, and haste to boot. It also counts as a Zombie, for Crawler and Captain purposes, so a 3rd one increases the power level very nicely. Seeing your removal, I'd swap 2 Spliters for 2 extra Slips, due to the fact of morbid turning on because of Grim
Nice idea, but I kinda disagree on Vraska's ultimates, as the Assassins are quite fragile in themselves, and I would suggest you take Endless Ranks, for an extra Dreg Mangler. I agree on Snakerunners comment of taking out the Slitherheads unless you run Corpsejack Menace, to make scavenge more viable. Out of deck comment: if you thought I restrict myself to Casual, here's my Standard list on this days:
This looks pretty fine, but with Innistrad staying another year, I would advice using Dead Weight than Crippling Blight (Blight gives -1, Weight gives -2, at the same mana price), but other than that, is a nice idea!
Good intel on replay, maybe some flicker theme back from AVR could work here? And is sad to hear that Zedruu decks are never under the radar, but I think this build can pull it's stuff, live, and kill the rest, especially because you can win even without the general
This is actually a nice idea, I posted something similar before (you can look here: If you can use some creatures to force damage (or to remove some pressure), Trepanation Blade could work a lot. And as PoetMaster said, Jace's Phantasm is a perfect add-on to it, being a 5/5 flier for one mana is nuts enough as a backup win con. The Crypt can go to the SB, unless you are facing Frites or Solar Flare a lot in your meta.
Well, as someone said before, welcome to the game. To be honest, I see a lot of routes this deck could go, but the first question here is: what format are you taking: Standard, Modern, Vintage, or just casual? That is in order to give a more accurate advice in what to take and what to tuck in. Second, I don't advise using telepathy, is too rubbish for me, unless you ran some amount of discard. Corrputed Conscience is powerful enought to defend its inclusion in 3-4 copies (max amount of nonbasic lands, is 4, just to take that into account). Instead of Endless Scream, try to run Mutagenic Growth (if Standard), or in some case that red decks in your store aren't that popular, Hatred (especially when taking on another infect, as life points will be almost irrelevant). Awesome Presence is not that good, and for that, I would advice Artful Dodge (makes it plain unblockable, doesn't give the opponent a 2 for 1, and has flashback in order to use it a second time). Mixing infect and non-infect creatures normally doesn't give good results (that is from a personal experience I had in a besieged/scars draft), so try to not run them, and make room for more copies of infect creatures, or go an opposite route and use graveyard recursion (like Morbid Plunder or Exhume) Because you're running blue, try to run some decent card draw, like Ponder or Ancestral Recall (then again, depending on the format), as Steady Progress doesn't make the cut. Hope that helps, and BTW, that deck is a nice idea!
The best pump spell is Mutagenic Growth, followed by Titanic for doming for 4. Imagine throwing a Titanic and 2 Mutagenics on an unblocked glistener elf, and you see the point. But I didn't wanted to put all eggs on one basket, thinking that there are decks like Tempered Steel that can offer some resistance, so I places Predation for giving trample. I replaced Overrun for Wild Defiance, to maximise the lethality of pump spells with an extra bonus +3/+3.
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