We are werewolves not swearwolves.
This is hilarious. Like I love it.
I really like this. If you can get the ball rolling seems that you will just walk through them.
How would you feel about Grand Arbiter Augustin IV in your deck? He would literally tax them for mana and it would make your spells cheaper.
Hey It's Interesting thank you. :)
I kind of really like this deck and how cheap it is.
Hey you can't play debtor's knell because it has white in it's cost.
Oh and a better version of glasses of urza is Telepathy which is a blue 1 cost enchantment.
Oh I also really like diplomatic immunity. That is a cool card.
Well Thank you! Inundate is really fun. And I feel like the best way to run azami is with a good amount of wizards which allow enough card draw quickly to reach win conditions.
Door of Destinies with humans or samurai
Is there a reason why the deck is so creature heavy, you could focus on some ramping creatures and bring in some blue or green unblockables, because both colours have evasion, so you can maximize the use of your commander.
Fatespinner does shut down, and slow down, there are just better ways to lock down your opponents. If this is multiplayer you might even want to even thrown in teferi.
I also run a wizard tribal azami if you need any help. Also look into maybe door of destinies.
Have you thought of running the creature Ertai as your commander or creature in your deck. He is a really heavy wizard controller, and he has the best flavor text and best flavor text on other cards.
Seek the horizon doesn't work because none of your lands are basic. Realmwright wouldn't affect that because it isn't going to change the quality of your lands in your deck.
This is hella expensive
I kind of really love this deck. I feel like It does need some fine tuning and some minor changes but all in all in looks really fun and crazy.Rakdos fun times to be had.
maybe invest in a tarmogoyf?
Hey Don't think you can run Skyshroud elf because red is in his text.
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