Well I didn't put in Bloodghast because I didn't want to set my deck up to run him, because I think he is only very efficient in a black sacrifice deck, which this deck isn't. I think you mean extraplanar lens, which is for if you are running snow lands.
Get an Ogre Slumlord. And Relentless Rats.
You should slim down to 60 cards in your deck.
If you want a good mill creature, you can run Hedron Crab
I like where this is going. Keep up the good work.
Why are you running Necropotence? It seems like it does more good than bad.
99+ Commander now. Fixed in Tunnel Vision because it is beautiful. I like the idea of forcing people to draw their commanders and losing from it.
Put in Levitation to give all of your creatures flying
Added one to see how it works.
If it goes on too long the enchantments deal with the opponent.
21-30 of 30 items