I never ever want to worry about not having the right color mana! The Lotus Petals help with that as well as being a mana accelerant. I wanted to use 4 but meh. The Dark Rituals help a lot with mana acceleration as well...and just think about being able to turn 1 Doomsday! It's almost guaranteed that the combo is going to go off. Thanks for the input though I appreciate it!
Thanks for checking mine out! This is seriously such a cool deck type, I was up for like 4 hours after I saw yours last night messing around with this lol Congrats on front page by the way!
Leveler is too expensive. Demonic Consultation costs 4 less mana and can do the same thing!
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=231893 oops lol
Treasure Hunt wouldn't trigger the win, since it doesn't make you draw. Demonic Tutors are the way to go!
I hope you don't mind man I had to take a crack at it! http://www.mtgvault.com/EditDeck.aspx?DeckID=231893 Check it out!
Mind Funeral only targets an opponent. That would have been SO ridiculous though!
Laboratory Maniac...wow. I cannot WAIT until Innistrad :D THIS IS SUCH A FUCKING COOL DECK IDEA
I don't think I would add Pestermites and Kiki-jik. You don't want to give up your counter/burn slots...When playing non-standard, if you want to better assure the combo, you can use 4 Intuitions instead of See Beyond/Shrine of Piercing Vision. Those cards are pretty expensive, but they are amazing.
Splinter Twin (among other things) cycles out when Innistrad comes out :( R.I.P. Preordain
Wow. And they are listed 3 different times (3, 1, 2) hahaha! I don't know what happened there. I blame the vault lol
Liliana's Caress > Megrim
Check out my new Legacy Hive-Mind combo deck! Comments are WELCOME http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=231517
Thanks for the comment! I love the mana curve here. I'm assuming that you're not making this standard since you have the Izzet Boilerworks... I would highly suggest Steam Vents instead. And if you actually are trying to keep this standard before Innistrad, use Scalding Tarns! I don't know if you're trying to avoid those because of the price, but they are definitely crucial. If you can get your hands on them, use all 8! Mental Misstep is another great counter. And Spellskites can help protect your Deceivers! I hope that helps!
I love u/w control. I really enjoy the use of Mind Bend here, especially with Seasinger. Mind Bend is an often overlooked card! I have one word for you though... Treachery. Look that card up and throw away your Mind Controls forever!
lol I totally forgot he was banned! Makes sense as broken as he is. My bad man haha in that case, I don't think there's anything you can really do here to improve. Again, great deck!
You put Lightning Helix in!!! :D IT'S SO FUCKING COOL and it looks so purdy in that 2 CMC slot lol
If I were to make a blue/black infect deck (I've considered it before), this is almost exactly what I would make. Blighted Agents, Plague Stingers, DISTORTION STRIKES (amazing card), Mutagenic Growths... the only thing I would have different is I would include Tezzeret's Gambit, because I love me some card draw. That seriously about it haha. Good job, man! I'm going to have to put up a u/b infect now!
This is very nice. I'm always a little sketchy of running less than 20 lands (at least), but this deck seems like that wouldn't even matter. The mana curve is impressive, and it looks like you could swamp someone with Goblins very quickly. The only thing I would possibly consider is Goblin Recruiter (if you're not playing against mill) over Goblin Ringleader because he's cheaper and you can basically set up your entire deck for drawing (since your deck is almost completely Goblins!) Maybe even run 2 of each, but I could definitely see Recruiter in here (he's absolutely amazing.) All in all, nice deck man. Goblins are persistent bastards!
But where's the Ca...ohh there they are. That sideboard makes my veins run cold in dread... What could be more difficult to overcome than 4 Hawks and 56 Plains? FOUR HAWKS AND FIXTY-SIX PLAINS !!!!!!!! (#($*U#@U@#IORJFKJDLIFU)@#(U)DJSADU()DU#@HRIH!!!!!!!!!!! -throws entire Magic collection in a fire- -pulls out and dusts off 4 Squadron Hawks and 56 Plains-
161-180 of 334 items