If you want another Sun Titan, drop one of your Frost Titans. The point here is to try and make combat never happen for your opponent, so you really don't need to be freezing his permanents all that much once you have the combo out. You honestly don't need any of the other "I want" cards. Really. They're just going to mess up what you have going on. I would possibly put in a few more counterspells (Negate, etc.) and/or bounce cards (Vapor Snags, Disperse) to help you avoid damage earlier on before you get a lock, and to feed Snapcaster some more fuel. 11 really isn't that many spells for him to munch on, a couple more would be ideal. Hope this helps!
I know you never said that Ponder was better, I did. I understand that they are two very different cards, but a_mogs said that Ponder was a thing of the past (it actually never really was a "thing" to begin with) and that Think Twice is the bee's knees now, basically. They are two VERY different cards. Think Twice is expensive card advantage (only after using it twice, thus the name) and a mana sink (it's best quality.) It pairs extremely well with Mana Leak and the like (any 2 or 3 cost counterspells), even if you don't have one in your hand! Ponder is the deck manipulation, plain and simple. And if you were choosing between Ponder and Think Twice (which is what the comment was implying), I think that Ponder is a better bet...especially since this deck wants to see both Venser and Stonehorn. Easy peasy.
Throw in 1 or 2 more mana, and trade Think Twice for Ponder. Think Twice is just completely outdone by Ponder, IMO. Sure instant speed and flashback are nice, but Ponder's cost and reorganization/shuffle effects make it much better.
Anyone who thinks that Think Twice is better than Ponder (especially if you're running Snapcaster) is crazy. Just because Think Twice has flashback and instant speed doesn't make it better. Think Twice is alright but it just costs too damn much. Ponder > Think Twice I like to set up my next few turns AND draw, thank you very much!
Yeah I think Sunblasts are too expensive personally lol but they would be so fun to play with both Gideon and Venser out!
I love this deck but holy shit some of these people are gobbling your balls man lol!!!
Venser control will always be a great type of deck. I wouldn't call this a more "real" U/W control than some of the examples you gave, though. Venser + Stonehorn is such an amazing combo. It was pretty damn hard for me not to include Stonehorns in the U/W control deck I've been working on for standard! Didn't you have Sunblasts in here before? I feel like 1 or 2 would be amazing coupled with Gideon. I would consider Ghost Quarters as well. You can kill someone's non-basics, or thin your deck, and Sun Titan can bring them back for you (including your own lands if you blow them up for thinning)! Take a peek at my deck if you'd like, feedback is always appreciated! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=237962
Hmm I don't know if he would upset the balance of the deck. Is mana ramp that late even worth it? I'm probably not going to cast him on turn 4 because I'll probably be leaving mana open for answers. Ahhhhh I'm so conflicted!!!
Have you considered Midnight Haunting for this deck? It's about as close as you can get to Squadron Hawk in standard right now, I think.
Yes Solemn is a great card... I never even thought about putting him in here! Any mana ramp is welcome, and I could even bounce him with Venser to ramp/thin my deck even more! Any suggestions as to what I could take out? I would probably put two of him in here..
Gideon and Batterskull aren't win-con's to shake a stick at!
U/W is going to dominate the Top Decks list here pretty soon... lol
I want to straighten up the mana curve a bit. Any suggestions on that would help me out a bunch! I feel like it is just *slightly* off, it's very close to being completely on point.
thanks for the feedback! I've been considering Forbidden Alchemy for a while. He does have amazing synergy with Snapcaster, and I'm going to try throwing 1 and see what happens. I just don't want to upset the balance of my curve! I've also just recently swapped out 1 Stalker for 1 Midnight Haunting, which pops out excellent sword carriers and can get recurred with Snapcaster. I would recommend a few for your deck, as yours is more Caw-Blade-ish! Again thanks for the comment :)
This deck is even cheaper now lol
113.1b Aura spells are always targeted. These are the only permanent spells with targets. An Aura’s target is specified by its enchant keyword ability (see rule 702.5, “Enchant”). The target(s) are chosen as the spell is cast; see rule 601.2c. An Aura permanent doesn’t target anything; only the spell is targeted. (An activated or triggered ability of an Aura permanent can also be targeted.)
Thanks for the advice! All the input I can get means a lot to me! Vapor Snag completely slipped my mind! I knew there was something bugging me about those Unsummons... lol I agree about Angelic Overseer...I wanted her to work out so badly :/ As it stands now, I only have one in here anyway...I started this deck out as more much more aggro, and dropped her number. Honestly though, I'd rather see Gideon/Venser or even a Batterskull when I'm dropping a 5 when I think about it. So in your opinion, I should drop the Geists and Angelic Destinies in favor of more control/big bombs? I really wanted Geist/Angelic Destiny to work out just like the Overseer, but the mana could probably be spent in much better ways. I think you're right; my control is suffering because of the slight splash of aggressiveness. I appreciate the comment! I'm going to do some deck surgery and see what I can figure out. I wish I had a way to actually test these decks out in their various forms!
Those are quite some harsh words haha. Unfortunately, they're pretty much spot on. I like this build a good bit. I don't know about having 26 lands (yes I know a lot of standard players have a million lands), but I do like the very focused creature pool. And obviously Snapcaster synergy. I could use some advice on tightening up my U/W for standard, if you could spare a minute. I just started playing standard so I don't know quite as much about the meta, but I feel like I'm heading in the right direction. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=237962 Thanks and happy building!
Nice U/W deck! I would consider Angelic Destiny over Trepanation Blade, since it's a little bit more reliable, plus there is plenty of artifact hate going on in standard right now. Other than that, I like the direction you're going with this. If you wouldn't mind, could you take a look at my U/W I've made for standard? It's fairly similar to yours, and I'm really trying to get it totally smoothed out. Thanks! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=237962
A lot of people are making a huge deal about Think Twice. I honestly think it's being vastly overrated. I mean, yes drawing two cards is great, and it's instant speed is pretty impressive, but drawing those 2 cards is going to cost 5 mana total. I understand that it is doing double duty as a single card, but IMO Ponder is miles away from Think Twice. Ponder only costs ONE. And it let's you reorganize or shuffle. Those 2 mana could be better used for a Mana Leak, right? I can see the appeal of having a Leak and Think in your hand, passing your turn two to see what your opponent does, and having options of things to cast on their turn, but Think could very possibly end up sitting in your hand for who knows how long depending on how the game plays out. Think Twice isn't bad by any means, I just personally think that Ponder is much better. They're quite different, but the reorganizing/shuffling effect is just too good, and has won me MANY games. There's my 2 cents! I'm interested to see what other people have to say about this card; it's being talked about a quite a bit!
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