This looks solid for standard. The only thing that bothers me's Rooftop storm..sure its a cool card, but its too slow for such a deck. I'd prolly add more speed and aggro, by throwing in some gravecrawlers to combo with grimgrin and buff 'em with direGcaptains and C-reapers, instead of Unbreathing Horde and Skinrenders. Rooftop storms could also be replaced by a Diabolic tutors, to fetch thoseEndless Ranks of the dead or Call to the grave. Been playing lots with standard zombies lately, thus the advice, also zombies need air support, so a couple of removals wouldnt do any harm. (Go for the throat, Tragic Slip, Murder, Doom Blade). I see u got the Drake there but im afraid its not enough.
U got something going on there, im liking it.. but im not sure about a few cards; Say u get Undead Alchemist on the battlefield, then you'd rather want a creature into an opponents graveyard (to get that zombie) than exile it. Therefore I suggest you switch Dissipate & Pillar of flame with something more useful. for example Searing spear & another standard counterspell other than dissipate. Also increasing confusion rarely surves its purpose, i would go with something more cheaper, like dream twist, just out of experience.
I'm liking it! Pakko digata toimivaa standardi kamaa ja varsinki ku hinta on kohillaan :) How much does the deck depend around the elves mana-production? I mean..llanowars seem solid but then again Archdruids depend alot on other elves on the battlefield, obviously, having a total of 7 elves in this deck seems very little. Would Dawntreader Elk be an option? that way you could grab that plains if u are in need of one, without totally having to rely on having white mana in opening hand. U could also throw in a few cultivates, for ramp. I'd really wanna build such a deck, but a mono-green version, intangible virtue isn't really needed when u sac a tree of redemption..hell u get nuff of green tokenpower from that, especially if u combo it with parallel lives...unless ofcourse you're weary of pyroclasms or other "minor" global effects. Have u thought of Essence of the wilds, to make it even more devastating.. Feed the pack + Tree of R + Parallel lives + Essence of the wild = I'd take it. While you're at it, wanna take a look at my standard low budget splinterfright deck, i'd really need some pro tips and feedback on this one, i'm kinda satisfied'ish at the current build though, through a lot of playing, but wouldn't mind making chances for the better. Sorry, don't really like advertising my decks on other people's expense but I dunno how to reach people, the forums being sorta quiet and all.
I've been playing with the deck alot and though i might've been close to milling myself out a few times, the game has ended one way or another before that happening. Laboratory maniac's a fun card but doesn't really surve his purpose in this deck imo. My sideboard's still under work in looking for fresh ideas. Thanks for the input!
2014? what did I miss? :D So u wanna bounce Mindcrusher back and forth? It might be to late for that by that time, on turn 7-8. A few suggestions; - Need more mana - Rooftop storm totally unecessary as you're playing Undead alchemist, add more direct mill instead. Thought sour/ Mind Sculpt/ Dream Twist/Increasing confusion (worst option imo). Thus to get more zombies and fast.
Primordial Hydra Thragtusk & Roaring Primadox.
Nice deck!! I would prolly add Cloudshitfs into this, only because Thragtusk is such a cool beast!
damn dude totally missed your reply...didnt thiink anyone would look up this deck. Bump in the night would do the trick, i'll replace Signs with Bumps. Thx for the tip! Death Baron is such a OP zombie...I cant get even get a hold of him..or wait was it her...they're always out of stock here. :)
U mean Temple Bell? kinda satisfied with Dangerous wagers tbh, they buff Kilnfiends & spitfires, and untap Cinder Pyromancers, + gives u 2 cards (and u get ridd off unecessary cards or best case scenario u play it as last card in hand) + Pyromancers Ascension & Shrine OBR benefits from it. So its all good. As u might notice I removed all high manacost creatures to create more speed, still need to get ridd off Incinerates & shocks, adding either lavaspikes/ chain lightnings / flamerifts or fireblasts. Still lot of playtesting to do. :) Also been thinking of adding P.Ascension to side and add Flings to main to do some serious damage with Spitfires or Kilnfiends. ..
+ I'd trade Markov patrician for a Vampire nighthawk anytime :) u got a budget on this one?
if not add Bloodhgast + Skullclamp + Butcher of Malakir + Blood artist + Kalastria Highborn. Throw in a swamp and do it all over again. Devastating combo.
Have u thought of Vampire Hexmage or blood artist? Do u wanna keep it Standard?
ehh maybe add 1 or 2 more browbeats to main, and keep 2 Dangerous wagers instead of 4?
updated: added Browbeat to main deck, moved faithless looting over to sideboard.
Still gonna need some cards to the sideboard, before fixing the amounts :)
Yess deffo a nice add!
I added faithless lootings and dangerous wagers too keep the momentum up, the problem in burn decks is the lack of drawing cards, and once u have a handfull of low manacost cards you'll easily end up with nothing in your hand in a couple of turns, just waiting for your next drawstep. I notice Browbeat's a really handy card when it comes to this, thanks for the suggestion. Discarding your hand having nothing else but dangerous wager is only a big plus, it also combos with Pyromancers Ascension, the main, attraction, alongside the lovely pumping kiln fiends. Pyromancer's ascension + Fire servant on the battlefield throw in a lightning bolt = 12 damage in the face. Ohh and this deck's made outta the cards in my collection, its a fun deck to play, and not doesnt make u feel bad after spending only 10euros on a deck :) All the cards u guys suggested are really useful, i will try to look for those, and modify the deck/sideboard with the help of these cards.
Thanks for the advice! I kno Glimpse the unthinkable is by far the strongest card in a BU mill, but because of the fact I want to keep this deck as budget friendly as possible I gotta leave em out, same goes for all dual lands, which would come very handy, likes of your BU mill deck. Thought scour is there to combo with jace's erasure + Bloodchief ascension. I know mill is about speed, but im more into the fun aspect and making the fullest out of Undead Alchemist and a possible 3 counter BCA. :) Sure i'll have a look at yours.
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