i advise putting in vedalken masterminds and oblivion rings, taking out the red, and putting in more elementals like shriekmaw and mourwhelk. this way you can get ride of their hand, field, and still keep hand advantage. using mastermind's ability on oblivion ring right when it goes on stack triggers the ring's leave play ability first. Then, once mastermind is done, the ring's remove ability happens, and the targeted permenant is gone forever. with blink you can kill things with shriekmaw.
i agree with zgreatcthulhu mostly, but i think venser is perfect because it has flash
i'm liking this deck a lot... have you considered cards like cover of darkness for fear and nantuko husk for some good power. I'd drop the rolling horrors and draining cards for more zombie cards if you want to. Midnight ritual is also pretty cool. this is all just my opinion if you wanna go more zombie. I like it a lot.. good work! please check out my Angelfire deck http://www.mtgvault.com/viewdeck.php?did=6050 and my giant deck
please check out my Angelfire deck http://www.mtgvault.com/viewdeck.php?did=6050
hmm... well i like it.. ball lightning and groundbreaker look like good cards for this deck, and killer instinct could be cool. Ashling's would give force of savagry haste, i think that makes it playable with forcemage out. and i don't think chromatic star is necessary. Oh! and vigor could be a cool addition to this deck as well as great furnace. Overall great deck... i like the idea please check out my Angelfire deck http://www.mtgvault.com/viewdeck.php?did=6050
and plz check out my Angelfire deck http://www.mtgvault.com/viewdeck.php?did=6050
comment my angelfire please! http://www.mtgvault.com/viewdeck.php?did=6050
check out my angelfire http://www.mtgvault.com/viewdeck.php?did=6050
check out my angelfire: http://www.mtgvault.com/viewdeck.php?did=6050
4 akroma's devoted, 4 daunting, 4 doubtless, 4 prophet, 4 wraths, 4 chosen, 4 celestial gatekeeps, 4 auriok champs, and 4 aven redeemers. Thats what i think Thats a nice deck, just clean it up a little
take out things like true believer, and the non-aura enchantments Start with a basis of all the magemarks(three of each) and familiars(four of each) and throw in two coalition victories and three diabolic tutors. then throw in one of each basic land. that's just my idea.. but if you take out some uneeded cards, this deck looks fun!
how do you keep force of savagry?
cover of darkness could give your zombies fear and that could be useful. tendrils of corruption looks like a good card to go in this deck, and korlash could be useful to finish off what your husk couldn't and do some blocking
I would make it blue black and put in some faerie tauntings, dreamspoiler witches, thoughtseizes(if you want), and nameless inversions. Also, take out the kraken, some unstables, dousers, ancestrals, and i dont think you need psionics... that's just me. Put in some glen elendra pranksters to reuse cliques, vensers, spellstutters, and pestermites. and peppersmoke and faerie trickery are great spells.
Thanks I had cenn's heir in there with militia's pride because that pumps him quickly, and with kinsbaile balloonist it make him harder to block. thanks for the advice!
You should throw in some Loxodon punishers and maybe some raksha, golden cubs. and put in some leonins like den-guard and skyhunter patrol. maybe leonin shikari and sculpting steels and whispersilk cloaks are awesome. Take out the soldier replicas, myrs, and 1 of each of the kaldras and you may not need the raise the alarms
And with the life gain you could use storm herds
Throw in some verdoloths, doubling season, and maybe leyline of the meek
You have only one green card and 10 forests? take out the green and steelshaper; put in more equipment like whispersilks or bonesplitters
take out the soulbrights and the blades and put in two more otherworldy journeys and two momentary blinks. also take out 1 smokebraider and a harbinger to put in two cloudthreshers here's a good set of lands: 6 mountains 4 plains 3 forest 3 island 2 swamp 2 shimmering grotto 1 vivid crag 1 vivid meadow
441-460 of 475 items