You should either replace some of your Harbingers with other creatures or spells. You're playing 4 ofs of both when you could really survive with only 2 of each, simply because you're playing with 4 ofs of the rest of your creatures.
Again, I'll suggest Backslide. Works well, especially if you want to get those Chromeshells back. As for your mana base, you could probably lose the Nimbus Mazes in favor of basic lands. I like the addition of the spellbombs with the Acadamy ruins. Good recycling combo.
Maybe add Backslide? 1U turn target creature with morph facedown? Keeps them from taking advantage of the 3/3 body of Chromeshell Crab, which I think you should also add one or two more copies of. Maybe some bounce for your Spawnbrokers and to delay your opponent. Just some ideas.
Looks awesome. Wish I had the cards to make it.
Drop Gwyllion Hedge-Mage. Not worth it in the least. Add Mourning Thrulls, and Shadow Lances.
as opposed to duels.
You could easily take out Rend Flesh for Terror or Unmake if you're that concerned with spot removal. Skullmane is inefficient, expensive, and dies to Flame Jab, Lava Dart, Pyromantics, etc. I'm sure you're not too concerned with it because you have plenty of ways to get them back, but it's just not that great and Black has many more better ways to kill stuff than Skullmane Baku.
Lose the Cairns and maybe a copy of Lake of the Dead. Also, I'd pitch the Stir the Graves, as to you're already playing Death Denied, even though Stir the Grave puts it directly into play, Death Denied allows you to play your spirits again, which synergizes with all of your spirits that do stuff when you play Spirit and Arcane spells. You could probably lose the Skullmane and the Baku Alter.
I'd maindeck the Prison Terms and the Azorius Guildmages.
Oh, another aura that works well with Zur is Shielding Plax. I'd try and find room in there for them if I were you.
I don't think you'd need the entire playset, but you could probably drop an Icy, a Millstone, and a Sculpting Steel to make room for a 3 of for Unholies.
You could probably drop a couple land in favor for more creatures, Oblivion Ring, Crib Swap, or Unmake. Kithkin have a tendency to be cheap, and I can run mine on 20 lands without many problems.
Even with that deck strategy, I'd still recommend some Unholy Strength (which is in 10th) for early beats. It's unfortunate that Dark Rit hasn't been reprinted in forever, because that would be obvious in this deck.
Lose the Witch, it needs BR to work. Replace with more Sootstoke Kindlers. You could probably drop the Rise of the Hobgoblins, but then again, it's a good silver bullet for the late game where Mono-Red begins to falter. You could probably drop some copies of Scourge of the Nobilis for the original Firebreathing. Also, for burn I'd add Flame Javelin, which is 4 damage for effective RRR in monored. And if you buy the monored 10th starter deck, add the Kamahl, Pit Fighter from it.
Can't go wrong with Unholy Strenth! If you're feeling adventurous, add Needle Specter from Shadowmoor/Eventide, which is a Hippy equal to it's power.
You could probably drop a copy of Brion for something else.
kind of deck, I'd add Shielding Plax or Plaxcaster Frogling if they somehow get around all of your enchantment protection, which for B/W isn't hard.
If you're still having problems with mana, put some vivid lands in. They're only uncommon, and I'm sure there's plenty out there for trade fodder. You may want to put in something along the lines of Counterspell or Cancel if you're playing against enchantment and artifact hate, so they're really only worth sideboarding. If you're looking for more mass enchantment destruction, go for Cleanfall from Kamigawa or Tranquility from the early core sets. Because Trygon Predator is such a beast in this
I'm gonna say again, cheapen the land base. Expensive land bases are never the answer, mostly because any kind of good rare land will be used in tournaments, and if you don't play tournaments, you most likely don't play rare lands like the Rav shock lands. I believe that budget players could probably lose all of the expensive dual lands, and add 4 ofs of both Vivid Creek and Vivid Crag, if you're experiencing that ungodly kind of mana screw.
I'm not sure what to think of this deck, because it doesn't look very consistent. It's nice to have silver bullets, but if I were you, I'd listen to the last 4 comments. Add more copies of stuff. Especially of Kitchen Finks. Everyone loves Kitchen Finks.
41-60 of 78 items