I feel like blood artist would be happy in there with all the sacrificing going on when the atistocrat is on the battlefield. It just have to sit there while you sac crawlers and sliterhead to the aristocrat. Geralf's messenger makes agood partner in this dance too.
Most deck in my local meta fields load of creatures too. When i'm ready to B.act, normally I do it for one or two mana, never had to wait fot enough mana. Wolfir is there to be droped just after blasphemous act, best case scenario on a strangleroot geist or undestructible creature, the swing right there for good damage. It's a mana intensive move, maybe i'd be better served by a titanic growth of something like that, i'll test it.
In the same vein as the tracker comment, I think that prey upon would serves you better than searing spears in this deck. For the same mana cost, it won't be long you'll be doing more damage with it. Ok to creatures only, if you feel you need to be able to damage the player, then I would suggest taking out plumet instead. Prey upon would be more versatile. I also wonder if there's something I don't understand. Why are you maindecking moonmist and sidedecking terrifying presence? I kinda feel it should be the other way around? I also have a red/green deck, feel free to coment: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=400980
In my deck, I had a problem early in the game. I'm having problem with the "turn one arbor elf turn two loxodon smiter" my friend is using. Adding some rancor help with that, as I can turn my small drop into beaters. I think that in my version rancor will leaves way for something else mainboard, but will go into sideboard for quick aggro matchup. I feel the need for creature removal, hesitating between "severe the bloodline","murder" and tragic slip.
As far as I like splinterfright, he doesn't seems to be the one wining my games. I've done about 20 games against unfortunatly a limited sample of deck. Most of the time, jarad and the hydra are what does it. Do some early game damage, ramp with the elf, as soon as you can, put hydra in play, unless they answer quickly the thing grow in. Turn 3 corpse jack with an elf out, turn four 6/6 hydra for 5 mana, turn five increasing savagery, upkeep turn 6, the hydra is a 44 beast, and with just 1 elf you have enough mana to both play jarad and fling the hydra on the spot. It's weak againt direct damage and removal, but this situation, tks to grisely salvage, happen with some regularity. Kessig's cagebreaker is a card I never keep too far away from this deck indeed, I just feel it's not goimg to be quick enough... I'll have to try it at some point. The d.demon is cool too, maybe i'll try to get some, as I don't have any.
Cool, I missed ground seal, knew nothing about this card. That rules out graveyard hate, leaving more sideboard room for other kind of threats. Sideboarding is something new to me, as I understood only recently the importance of it to win competitive evenys. How many of them should I side in game two, i'd go for 4 to be sure i'll protect my asset, but I might be ovetsideboarding there lol.
Ya, i'm aware of it's vulnerability to rest in peace, but I can't find a good answer to sideboard short of going for blue conterspell. Maybe sideboard negate or someyhing like that. I already have pithing before for the crypt and some other cards. Maybe side memorycide snd try to play it before they can use restt in peace?
Yup it works well with the imp, but i'd rather pay 3 mana for vampire nighthawk. :p
The first thing I see is: "Why manabloom?" It do help store mana, but if you insist on it then i'd go with druid's repository, even if I doubt it'll be necessary. Yet it could net you the casting of some really big hydra for sure. I really enjoy the corpsejack/hydra/increasing savagery combo in my own b/g deck. Take a look, any comment are welcome. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=396483
Increasing savagery do wonders with corpsejack out. I play a very similar deck and I can assure you it makes big monsters. With some ramp, turn 3 corpse jack, turn 4 primordial hydra 6/6, turn five it's an 18/18 hydra you turn into a 28\28 with inc. savagery. If 28 trample dammage wasn't enough, it'll be 84/84 come turn 6. If you still have the ramp, and didn't miss a land drop, flashback inc. savagery to swing a 104 trampler in the enemy face. Or play jarad and fling the hydra for 84. It's evidently best case scenario, yet it's scary. Take a look a my deck if you feel like it. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=396483
Forgot, take a look a my deck, your insight is welcome :) http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=396483
I built a pretty similar deck myself. Do you use mulch actually wanting land or do you hope for creatures in the yard? I prefer to use tracker's instinc as it put a creature in my hand and land in the grave that can be salvaged with deathrite shaman. Also, scavengin a goliath on a primordial hydra is amusing lol.
I know he is no zombie, but blood artist combo so well with grave crawler and geralf's messenger. Add a falkentath aristocrat in the mix and the party just get started!
What do you consider as your victory condition in this deck? By the name, the presence of corpsejack and some scavenge, you intend to buff up creature then "fling" them with jarad? Increasing savagery could be helpful for this. Take a look at my deck, it kinda goes the same way. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=396483
Cool, that's what I tought. As you say, it fits multiple roles. If you don't have krenko on the field it can be used the normal way. And if the Boss is on the field, it makes loads of goblins. Maybe it's too much trouble to actuslly be playable, but infernal plunge seems to be fun with mark of mutiny, sac a creature you control, cool i'll sac yours. Lol. The very first "almost good" deck I builded was using this combo, with chandra and reverberate to double it all. Turn 1:mountain, goblin arsonist. Turn 2:mountain, goblin arsonist, goblin fireslinger. Turn 3:mountain, sac 1 arsonist:infernal plunge, krenko Turn 4:Tap krenko for 3 token, mark of mutiny, tap krenko for another 6 Turn 5:Goblin warchief, tap krenko for 13 more, swing with 22 hasty 2/2 goblins That was the kind of thing I wanted to do, never hapened tough lol.
Could one also use mark of mutiny to untap him and boost him at the same time, the wording of it kinfa make me think it can be done?
Update done. Crazy what a playset of shockland can do, lowest deck value doubled after the update. Lucky me they are a gift from my friend!
I'd rather have tracker instinc in there than mulch, it put land in the grave and is an enabler for the mana producing ability of deathrite shaman. I'd do this and maybe trade the elk for a full playset of shaman. Quicker. On your token/guilmage/blood artist combo, first I say real fine! Have you tought of using primordial hydra with increasing savagery as a sacrificial lamb? You keep it out for as long as it can dish out dammage and if it get removed, bang a rain of saproling? Makes me want to fit the guildmage in my own deck lol.
So, it was some intense testing, played for like 3hours straight. The Hydra is definetly good in there, make one growing monster that don't need the graveyard full to perform. The imp made way for vampire nighthawk, many changes, i'll update the deck when the kids goes to sleep lol. I think it is a little better now.
Tks for the comment. I'm testing different thing with this deck right now. While I feel like ghoultree would make a good addition, i'm at the moment testing it with primordial hydra. Between thr hydra, corpsejack and increasing savagery, I saw turn 5 18/18 trampler with regularity. Turn 6 could be 76/76 trampler with a flashbacked, best case scenario, increasing savagery. I'll have to find a way to protect it from removsl tough. And yup about the scavange, it's slowly but surely making way for more impacting wsys to use my msna. Going to my friend's place to playtest this afternoon, i'll probably update the deck aftetward.
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