
2 Decks, 28 Comments, 7 Reputation

I had a krenko deck before rotation, that might be a good way to reuse those cards. Have you playtested it? I always felt krenko home was a pure aggro red, but I might be mistaken. Is he worth it in this deck?

Posted 19 October 2012 at 01:23 as a comment on Krenko's Factory


Ya, I tought about it, adding blue, but I don't feel experienced enough to go building three color deck right away... Lol. I'm having problems takimg out the imp since I turned a game around flashbacking increasing savagery on this dude with corpsejack out lol.

Posted 19 October 2012 at 00:55 in reply to #297802 on Menace from the grave (help wanted)


Tks a lot for the comment.
The Decoy was indeed the next cut, but I felt it was some kind of combat trick. One of my friend, who is a more experienced player than I am, tell me to add rancor to my deck, but fact is he himself put rancor left right and center, so i'm not sure.
You seem to think I could speed up the process just by tweaking the manabase? I was considering adding some ramp in there, but don't know wich card nor what to take out for it. Perhaps cut a card here and there to add something like dawntreader elk? Would be my choice as it ramp a land AND add his body to my graveward by doing so.
What would you think? Maybe -1 grisly salvage, -1 mulch, -1 corpsejack (not sure, he's like at the hearth of my strategie) then +3 elk?

Posted 19 October 2012 at 00:39 in reply to #297786 on Menace from the grave (help wanted)


Any advices are welcome.

Posted 18 October 2012 at 17:42 as a comment on Menace from the grave (help wanted)


Hi. I really think Tamyio would be a killer in your deck. Care to take a look at my first mtgvault posted deck? I'm somewhat new at magic and would like as many advices as possible.

Tks a lot.

Posted 18 October 2012 at 17:30 as a comment on Eternal Invasion


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