How about taking out Hinterland Hermit and flesh&blood for either 2 more gruul war chant or 2 more full moon's rise. are my modern attempts. Gaze upon them and divine recommendations for each.
Nice, I like the inclusion of debt to the deathless.
Force of will should be saved for the opponent's win condition, but unless he's up against a turn 1 mill deck it shouldn't matter. If you're referring to him miling himself, he should have his opponent killed before that matters... he has 53 turns to do it.
Oh well, that's a new one... Seriously never noticed that.
Yeah the counterspell replace is what I would have gone with. Sol ring is nice, but it's whatever ends up running better. If you play with it and end up needing more colored mana you may not want it, but it may run great.
If you haven't looked at "Force of Will" I would. It is probably the best counter magic that I've seen. Especially since your group is going restriction-free. It allows you to counter turn 0 so you can hopefully keep one of your friends from turn 1 or 2 killing you in case either they go first or you don't have your time vault combo. Also, I would consider taking chrome mox out for a lotus petal. You might have to sacrifice it and not be able to use it continuously, but it's more reliable on turn one and 2 because you don't have to discard anything.
The swap has been brought up, lol. It has no real impact on the deck, though, and It was played this way originally so I just never changed it. Granted, If I were to make a solid proxy i would probably slap it in.
You don't need to untap it turn one because time vault doesn't come into play tapped. you just tap time vault when it comes in and you take an extra turn. You would untap time vault during the extra turn and then retap it for another extra turn.
He and thanks.
Nice, My friends group (hey relemin) has been discussing doing something similar lately. I also agree with relemin on the time vault + voltaic key combo. it's cheaper and you don't have to deal with pesky summoning sickness. On a side note, my favorite deck of all time was Randy Beuhler's Memory jar deck. I would proxy it if I had the chance. If you're interested in it you can check it out under my decks. It also lists the deck's strategy in the description.
Sorry for rage, but I checked his comments page and saw that he copy/pasted over 20 identical comments onto different decks.
I would look at Control magic or Treachery over mind control. Hurkyl's recall is a meta game against your friends group? I would take out levitation. I don't see it being worth it just for the creatures you take and aether adepts, unless your friends run a lot of fliers. You may consider deprive for helping with roil elemental's landfall ability. Halimar depths also combos well with deprive.
Someone had to say it. I am sick and tired of the first comment on my deck seconds after I post is "nice deck, check out mine" These are the scum of mtgvault. I do help people out with their decks, but it irritates me to no end to see someone expect something in return for "nice deck".
50$ is pretty nice
Nice idea, I can't think of anything to add, but it is a very original deck.
Have you looked at sol ring, or Prototype portal? Sol ring is in most EDH decks (or I've noticed it in a lot anyways), and prototype portal can be used from everything from mana ramp to creature gen.
Personally, I would take mind grind out altogether. Drownyards and memory adepts work fine on their own. I would use the slot to add in either more countermagic or creature removal. I would go with counter magic.
I always liked the Idea of Blazing Archon in a reanimator. It''s pretty nice if you haven't considered it. The deck looks pretty nice, I really can't think of anything to change :/
Y U No make real decks on this account!?!? (btw you forgot storm crow)
Have you considered cabal therapy? I like that it's a cheap way to get your creatures in your graveyard. Is Pox necessary? most reanimators wanna win quickly and it just doesn't seem that fast, but what do I know. I've never really fooled around with reanimator so I'm by no means an expert. Dark rituals in mainboard can help you get your bombs out fast (dark rit + cabal therapy + exhume = win). You might consider dropping a few lands. I would take out gatekeepers, rats, and gravecrawlers for more bombs. You only have 2 bombs to reanimate. Hope this helps. *cough* you can like your own deck *cough* +1
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