Jinxed idol + leyline of sanctity or Witchbane orb they can't give it back :D
NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION! No but seriously, nice unexpected results deck. I don't have much input on changing it, though. I'd have no idea how to improve. +1 from me
Yeah, I figured people who weren't familiar with the combo would look it up, but I'll update the how to play section witht the decks basic strategy. btw, thnx Burnsmith.
I question your obsession with restoration angel... it does not belong in every deck! Take out dimir charm, restoration angel, and a few sphinx's revelation. Also remove divination. take out both memory adepts and add in another architect of thought or two. throw in a terminus or two extra. Throw in a bomb or two also. ^This is what I would do
Just saying, More oblivion rings is never a bad idea.
Boros Reckoner and Restoration angel are unnecessary. I would add another copy or two of youre bombs (drogskol and Niv-Mizzet). Add some more copies of your board wipe cards. I'd drop either dissipate or counterflux to the sideboard and add syncopate instead. If you feel you need a decent amount of creatures, angel of serenity is a nice way to get your creatures back. (sideboard maybe?) Searing spear is nice, but it could be replaced with beter removal in this deck (more detention spheres or board wipe?) maybe drop to sideboard or have something available in sideboard to replace it when you're not facing rush. It's also nice to have more detention sphere's on hand for facing boros, indestructibility and boros reckoner are difficult to burn to death.
Thoughts on serum powder? I personally don't like it, but there has to be something there, and there's really nothing to compare to LED in for this particular deck that i've found :/
T- Now that, sir, is a wonderful idea :)
T- I've considered populate cards, but it doesn't seem to be reliable token generation when compared to cards like luminarch ascension. Druid's Deliverance is nice, and I might add it in my sideboard, but respite isn't bad lifegain, and it generally discourages your opponents from swinging all out, which (in case you don't have a prevent damage card in your hand) could save you.
T- Sir, I feel sorry for you.
Don't forget about everyone's favorite bombs: Consecrated Sphinx and Wormcoil Engine!
Hey, man! Storm Crow is EPIC. Best card in the game. BEST. CARD. Hands down. Here's my Storm Crow:http://mtgvault.com/m3tad3c3p7i0n/decks/storm-crow/Unbeaten.
Nice Deck.
Love Dimir, and Horrifying revelation is one of my fav. cards. Maybe take out a Duress for another circu? You can't go wrong with mind funeral either.
I like it when people upload their own personal decks. I personally would get another squadron hawk to add in so you have 4, and maybe take out something like azure drake for it. Azure drake is one of my favorite cards just because of its art, but I never was a fan of its power/toughness and its cost.
Storm Crow lives on in the hearts of all that know its true power.
What is this?
NIce deck. Echoing truth ist BA. no question.
Nice idea. Some suggestions I might make would be to take out Knight of infamy for another knight of glory and throw in sigiled paladin. I would swap Boreal Shelf out for Seachrome Coasts. I would also drop Rafig to fix the mana and allow you to drop the chromatic lanterns. If you still want double strike look for a less easy to kill way like an enchantment or an equipment. I would also swap battlegrace out for something cheaper. A suggestion is True conviction which gives all your creatures double strike and lifelink. since you've splashed blue, you can think about invisible stalkers which can guarantee that your super exalted buffed creature with double strike and lifelink hits.
21-40 of 46 items