Yes, I've only played this deck a few times but it would certainly benefit from something to deal with enchantments like that when I'm not holding a counter, unfortunately that is tough with blue and black. I generally just swap in a couple more counterspells. I have also thought about using Duress. I've been trying Final Parting as a way to tutor up what I need while also dropping a rat in the graveyard for Secret Salvage, although Chart a Course can usually do the same thing if one of the rats has not already been killed.
I'd sideboard a couple copies of Vanquish the Weak or Eviscerate for when you go against other black decks. Contract Killing is pretty decent, too, since it gives back a couple of mana that can be used later. Victim of Night is also really good pauper instant removal unless you're playing any vamp, werewolf, or other zombie decks.
Leave it to the Professor to come out with a decent low-budget Wizards tribal. Making it go full aggro and use Prowess was a great idea. I have not decided exactly what I want to use for my own Standard Wizards, but definitely taking inspiration from this after seeing the video yesterday. The only thing to keep in mind is what direction to go after rotation in a couple months since we are losing about 1/3 of these cards.
I love token decks and this one does look like a lot of fun. Nice job.
I love the idea to work a kicked Josu Vess in with Slimefoot & saprolings.
I think Door of Destinies will start showing up with these guys, too
I just started putting together a new fungus deck myself, and we have a lot of the same ideas. Nice work.
Banishing Knack on a Battered Golem would allow you to cycle the artifacts, giving an infinite Prowess trigger.
I do really like Bone Splinters, and it would have better utility here over the other removal I normally use.
Thank you for the comments. Since 99% of my play is casual, I tend to focus on cheap and fun cards. I do try to keep some substitute cards on hand for the times when I must conform to format rules, though I do try to stick to modern format as much as I can. Carrion Feeder is just to much fun here to give up. :-) I will look at your suggestions for substitute cards for him though. As you can see from my other decks, I only slip out of modern when there is a particular card I just really, really want to use.
I have a few decks like this that have a card or two making it not modern legal. The very few times I must conform to legality I do swap them out for other cards. 99% of my play is just fun and casual.
Good suggestions. This was thrown together pretty quick so there are probably a lot of good cheap zombies I overlooked.
Thanks for the suggestions, guys. Festering Mummy was completely overlooked, and now that I see it I agree completely!
I posted the version I came up with last night if you want to check it out. Leans more heavily on the zombie thing instead of artifacts.
That is a really fun card to build around. I'm going to have to try something like this for myself. Seems perfect for a necromancer/zombie theme deck.
Nice. I've been trying out some of these infinite/instawin combo decks lately and this is one of the easiest ones to put together. I would suggest replacing Preordain with Brainstorm; it's cheaper and so much better, and was still printed at Common. Unless I'm missing something.. is it banned for pauper, too?
This deck just put a smile on my face so I had to build a version of it for myself. Lots of fun here.
I really like burn combined with land destruction.I'm not a fan of Burst Lightning, though. I think Staggershock would give a better return on investment. 2+2 damage for 3 mana instead of maybe 4 for 6. Chain Lightning would be a good alternative, too, if you don't mind going to sorcery speed. Pauper is a tough format! I'd really love to just toss in some Banefire or Demonfire or Fireball for a finisher and to suck up anything you can get from Rite of Flame.
Ok, so, thought about this a little more. I don't actually own any copies of Genesis Wave and I guess I never looked at it very closely, either. I also thought it was a super-expensive card, but at only a couple bucks a pop it's not exactly a budget-buster. I also thought it was a creature dump, but now I realize it's any permanent, including lands. So... yeah. Since I'm not building for Pauper format, Genesis Wave is clearly ideal for any high-mana green deck. I think I will get a few copies and It might even find its way in to my Elf deck.
Thanks, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on the modifications. A lucky hand full of Shield Spheres and Assault Formation can make for some interesting early turns. I am sure you noticed I also abandoned Dangerous Wager when I cut down to the 2 Lead's. Card draw is not something I normally think about with creature-based builds like this, but I like being able to grab a handful with that card and since over a third of the deck is creatures it is a good bet you will get some. I really think it is the best green has to offer in this situation. Red has a couple good draw cards that could work, too. Faithless Looting is a draw 2 discard 2 with flashback, and Prophetic Ravings is an enchantment that gives a card draw ability.
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