
6 Decks, 41 Comments, 0 Reputation

How do you keep your lands from getting killed too?

Posted 25 June 2008 at 15:15 as a comment on land be gone


Elves of Deep Shadow are useful in a black/green elf deck. Could you help me out with my deck called `my favorite deck.'

Posted 06 June 2008 at 03:39 as a comment on Elf Swarm


4 Crusade or Glorious Anthem are conspicuously absent. Are you leaving them out for a reason? They'd be perfect in your deck. Would you please help me out with my deck: `my favorite deck'

Posted 28 May 2008 at 21:10 as a comment on T2 white weenie


One way to get speed AND mana to pump up your Shivan is adding 4 Mana Flare. Also, Furnace of Wrath is a nasty card in a straight red deck. Please help me out with my deck: `my favorite deck'

Posted 28 May 2008 at 21:07 as a comment on Goblins and Dragons


No Elves of Deep Shadow? They are made for a deck like yours. You should try them out. Also, Dark Heart of the Woods is a lot of fun. Could you please help me out with my deck: `my favorite deck'

Posted 28 May 2008 at 19:15 as a comment on infinite elf


I also like experimental blue/green decks. I like the concept, and it is indeed versatile. I'm trying to think of something to help with you're lack of flyers. You know what? You might consider swapping some or all of the Obsianus Golem with Azure Drake. The Drake is pretty good in play, and flies. If you like quirky blue-green decks, I could use some help with my deck: `my favorite deck'.

Posted 28 May 2008 at 19:14 as a comment on versatility


Nice deck. Looks pretty solid. I wonder how my deck would hold up against it. Not much in the way of suggestions...maybe replace glorious anthem with crusade, so you can play it a turn earlier? Hmm.. good balance of creatures and enchantments. You could throw in 2 or 3 surprise cards like `Eye for an Eye,' or `Reverse Damage.' Always underrated cards. Could you please help me fix my ailing deck: `my favorite deck'.

Posted 28 May 2008 at 18:56 as a comment on Type 2 Kithkin


I'm impressed. Looks very flexible, quick and adaptable. Only one idea for improvement, and I'm not sure it's a good one. Most of you direct damage is in small units. To kill bigger creatures, you could add Blood Lust (use it along with a lightning bolt, for example, to kill as big as 7/7). Of course, they are also perfect for a Ball Lightning too. Good multi-use card in your deck. Please help me with my deck: `my favorite deck'.

Posted 28 May 2008 at 18:51 as a comment on lightning


Dude, you really should add Erhnam Djinn. Their `cost' is that one opponent creature gains forestwalk, but, of course, if you use Armageddon, you have no forests in play. You get a 4/5 basher for 4 mana. Plus big quick creatures like Erhnam Djinn are the best kinds of creatures for land destruction, since they come out fast. Please review my deck Of Efreets and Djinns.

Posted 27 April 2008 at 18:50 as a comment on Funky Land Destruction


I used to play a G/U drawing cards deck, they are fun and flexible. Dude, ditch the Walls and go with some fast mana cards, like maybe Fertile Growth or even Mana Vault or Basalt Monolith. For drawing cards, I actually really like Jayemdae Tome, you can play it at the very end of opponent's turn, in case you are saving mana for using instants or interrupts. Please comment on my deck: Of Efreets and Djinns.

Posted 11 January 2008 at 16:02 as a comment on Ascetic Chronicle


Nice deck. Worries: weenie decks and land destruction. Your spells cost a lot to cast. The Drain Life type cards are powerful, but they won't fully protect you. Go with 4 Pestilence against weenie decks (also a great direct damage kill card). Replace Soul Burn with Soul Feast (leave creatures alive for Vamps). Dark Ritual is perfect for your deck, but you should have more cards like Mana Vault or Basalt Monolith to bet the big ones out. Please review my deck: Of Efreets and Djinns.

Posted 11 January 2008 at 15:57 as a comment on Royal Vampires


Cool deck. I like Augur of Skulls, it's a great card. It takes out 2 cards for the price of 1. Tendrils of Corruption is awesome as well. I think your deck would benefit from some fast mana, like Dark Ritual, especially with cards like Erg Raiders in there. A first turn Dark Ritual for a Erg Raiders with Unholy Strength is a pretty nice first turn! It looks like a well balanced deck. Please review my deck: Of Efreets and Djinns.

Posted 11 January 2008 at 15:48 as a comment on Casual Black


Nice. Hammerfist Giant is so powerful card. Browbeat is a perfect card. Worries: your deck could have serious issues against land destruction decks, like my deck `Of Efreets and Djinns'. I'm also worried about a weenie deck overwhelming you, although the Boros Garrison helps get stuff out faster. Desolation Giant and Hammerfist Giant are great anti-weenie, butcost too much. Add Mana Vault or Basalt Monolith type cards. Please review my deck: Of Efreets and Djinns.

Posted 11 January 2008 at 15:41 as a comment on Giants Attack


Nice. Braid of Fire is absurdly powerful, and hostility too. What's the lowest negative score you run someone down to with it? Only one weakness: non-creature permanent removal. You should have a way of taking out pesky artifacts/enchantments/special lands, like those from a sideboard, since you are playing straight red. Maybe Demolish (lands can by pesky too these days). Flowstone Slide or Relentless Assault might be fun for the kill. Please comment on my new deck: Of Efreets and Djinns

Posted 11 January 2008 at 00:20 as a comment on Quick Hostility


Some nice touches, but it needs focus and a plan. There are many enchantments that become extremely powerful when played in a swarm deck. For example, try using Angelic Chorus, instead of messing around with Spirit Link and Loop. Also, Angelic Voices and Crusades will really make your horde fierce. Take out A LOT of the life gain cards and replace them with cards like Eye for an Eye. Please review my deck: Of Efreets and Djinns

Posted 11 January 2008 at 00:08 as a comment on Insert Tokens


Nice use of unstable mutation. A perfect fit. You have enough `buffers' to warrant birds of paradise for fast mana. Those work great with the mutation because you no longer need the birds' mana by turn 7 or so anyways. Hey, how about Might of Oaks? Also, a long forgotten card: Flying Men, from Arabian Nights. You might want to replace something, maybe the Sage Owls (although I like them too) and put in Boomerang, both for attack purposes and to get rid of pesky permanents or combos.

Posted 10 January 2008 at 23:55 as a comment on Death Inevitable


Nice deck, well balanced. I prefer cards like Control Magic or Ray of Command to fend off either weenie decks or quick medium sized creature decks (you usually will kill 2 creatures for 1 card if you play it right). Good use of Mana Leak. It's a very underrated card. It works perfect in a G/U land destruction deck I play. Could you comment on my deck: Of Efreets and Djinns.

Posted 10 January 2008 at 21:20 as a comment on Embassy


Nice deck. Glorious Anthem is a great card, and helps guard somewhat against cards like Pestilence, Cyclone or pyroclasm. Castle is underrated, since it offers +2 to untapped creatures. Comment on my deck if you have a chance: Of Efreets and Djinns.

Posted 10 January 2008 at 21:17 as a comment on Soldiers and Clerics


Looks pretty solid. Nothing so frustrating to play against as a good discard deck. Just curious, why not use Hymn to Torach? It's perfect in a mono-black discard deck. Gets two cards in the graveyard for the price of 1. Disrupting Scepter is also underrated, because it is a single card that ends up sending many many cards to the graveyard. You might look to pestilence for protection against weenie decks. Please comment on my deck: Of Efreets and Djinns.

Posted 10 January 2008 at 21:10 as a comment on Black Discard


An excellent, well balanced Giant deck. You could easily construct a Green swap in instead of white (for quick mana and of course Overrun). I wonder what the side board is like. Please comment on Of Efreets and Djinns if you have a minute.

Posted 10 January 2008 at 21:02 as a comment on Giants


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