
6 Decks, 41 Comments, 0 Reputation

If you are going for a hint of land destruction with the stone rain, then take out 3 forks (since you can only use 1), and add 4 strip mines...and take out one of the goblin grenades...better to use 3 than 4 of those.

Posted 08 January 2008 at 17:12 as a comment on Classic Burn


Isn't Fork restricted?

Posted 08 January 2008 at 17:09 as a comment on Classic Burn


I really like this land destruction deck. One question: Why not Stripmine? It's casting cost is zero and it cannot be countered. Please review my deck `Winter Orb Smackdown.'

Posted 08 December 2007 at 20:48 as a comment on Land Slap


Nice deck. I think it has a couple vulnerabilities: very fast swarm creature decks and counterspell / control decks. There is an obvious fix to both: add more land destruction elements. Choices: Strip Mine (free and can't be countered), Stone Rain, Conquer (gain control of target land, thus helping you get your big guys out fast). Please comment on my deck Winter Orb Smackdown if you have a minute.

Posted 07 December 2007 at 22:36 as a comment on Giants


Yeah, Phantom Monster was actually replacement for Serendib Efreet - since the Orb does slow the game, the efreet's damage would build up too much. I've thought about Azure Drake, but only deals 2 damage. So I ended up with Phantom Monster. Anyone have a better idea other than phantom monster?

Posted 07 December 2007 at 15:25 as a comment on Winter Orb Smackdown


Nice concept. I'm not sure I have too much to add. I would play with 2 more Caltrops; they work perfectly with your direct damage concept. I like your use of Unsummon; it's a fantastic card, especially if a big creature comes out late in play. A better card, though, for dealing with late game bigger creatures is Control Magic. Just take their creature instead of unsummoning it. Would you please help me with my deck `Winter Orb Smackdown'?

Posted 07 December 2007 at 03:54 as a comment on That is not my pinger


Hey, you should add Nettling Imp (tap to force target creature to attack; if it can't, it's destroyed at end of turn); this imp was discontinued after Revised unfortunately...great card though. Another comment: I'm not sure the forced fruition does a whole lot of work in conjunction with your other combos. I dunno. Maybe add Twiddle instead? Then you could either tap a creature or untap your Royal Assassin for a double kill. Please comment on my decks `Winter Orb Smackdown' or `Multi Stasis 1.'

Posted 07 December 2007 at 03:49 as a comment on


I don't think the deck stinks at all, but I do think it has a couple vulnerabilities: fast creature decks (thus pyroclasm) and counterspell / control decks. Given your colors, there is an obvious fix: add land destruction elements. Choices: Strip Mine (free and can't be countered), Stone Rain, Conquer (gain control of target land, thus helping you get your big guys out fast); Creeping Mold is nice. Please comment on my deck Winter Orb Smackdown if you have a minute.

Posted 07 December 2007 at 03:38 as a comment on Miser Giants


Well done. I do have one suggestion. If you feel the need to make sure you ALWAYS have a creature in play during your turn (a guarantee against the many spells designed to mitigate quick creature decks), a Breeding pit would do the trick. If you get a minute, please check out Winter Orb Smackdown.

Posted 07 December 2007 at 03:32 as a comment on Deathrent


Opps...Conquer isn't going to work for Extended...it's only in Ice Age, 5th and 6th.

Posted 06 December 2007 at 19:48 as a comment on


Very nice, and very original land destruction deck. And I think I have the perfect suggestion for your deck! You really should add Conquer. Conquer is 3RR: gain control of target land. This would work especially well with your Stoneshaker Shaman, since it would replenish any of your land that gets destroyed. And, if your opponent has an expensive non-basic land, why destroy it when you could use it yourself? Please review my deck: Winter Orb Smackdown. Thanks

Posted 06 December 2007 at 19:45 as a comment on


Actually, the Power Sinks act as Counterspell + Mana short, since the opponent must still tap as much as they can to play X. I've thought about Llanwar elves...maybe they will go back in. The idea with the land enchantments is that my insilled druids can pump tons of mana out of them even if they won't untap as normal.

Posted 06 December 2007 at 17:05 as a comment on Winter Orb Smackdown


What a nice deck concept. Well done. I give it a 9.2/10. I'm not exactly sure how to improve on it. I used to play a draw deck, it was green (mass mana + Recycle) and blue. If you get a minute, I could use some help with my decks: Winter Orb Smackdown, but Underworld Lich really needs help.

Posted 06 December 2007 at 17:01 as a comment on Niv Mizzet the Obvious


You really should use Indentured Djinn. It's a 4/4 flying djinn for 1UU!! And it's `disadvantage' is that the opponent gets to draw 3 cards. Now, it's usually very nice to draw 3 cards. But, of course, not if you're playing against a mill deck! Please review my deck Winter Orb Beatdown or Underworld Lich.

Posted 06 December 2007 at 07:53 as a comment on Millfast in the morning


You really should use Indentured Djinn. It's a 4/4 flying djinn for 1UU!! And it's `disadvantage' is that the opponent gets to draw 3 cards. Now, it's usually very nice to draw 3 cards. But, of course, not if you're playing against a mill deck! Please review my deck Winter Orb Beatdown or Underworld Lich.

Posted 06 December 2007 at 07:53 as a comment on Millfast in the morning


Nice deck. I give it about an 8/10. I also play a deck with spells that give you life when they deal/receive damage (see Underworld Lich and review it for me please?). OK...advice. A fix against control decks is (of course) to add blue. Trouble is, adding blue would slow up your deck (that's why I ended up adding green and blue, speed plus counters). For direct damage, Drain Life would work well with your deck. Also, El-Hajjaj is nice, especially if you play Righteousness on him when defendin.

Posted 05 December 2007 at 23:56 as a comment on


If you're playing with two Time Vault, you should be playing with 4 Twiddle spells. Those 4 Twiddle's might as well be 4 Time Walks...except they cost U instead of 1U! Please look quickly at my deck `Underworld Lich' and give my some much needed whittling advice.

Posted 04 December 2007 at 07:27 as a comment on Time Matters


Why not replace the overrated Spell Snare with either Mana Leak (more countering power) or Memory Lapse (stalls opponent a draw)?

Posted 04 December 2007 at 07:04 as a comment on Millionaire


I check out your suggestion of Broken Ambitions for my Stasis deck. I think I still prefer Power Sink because it forces the opponent to tap all their lands even if they can't beat the counter. With the Stasis that's key.

PLEASE check out my new deck Underworld Lich!! It's 76 cards!! I'm not sure what to whittle because it works well.

Posted 04 December 2007 at 06:57 as a comment on COUNT ME


An excellent speed white deck. Fortify is an excellent spell - it would be very useful against my Stasis deck (see Multi Stasis 1). You might want to add that white counterspell card - can't remember what it is) to protect you from Earthquake, Pestilence, Pyroclasm, and the like. Also, 4 flying creatures would balance your deck and give you a leg up against other speed decks.

Posted 04 December 2007 at 05:08 as a comment on Speed Demon


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