Going to throw mono blue deck up here in a bit, if you could be so kinda, Id appreciate your oppinion on it as well. Just keep in mind when looking that its ENTIRELY a supoprt deck for 2 headed giant.
The way they behave is very similar. Maybe it was a bad example, but they both irritate and annoy me the same lol.
Usually I dont mind buying expensive cards, like archangel of thune, I just dont like Karn lol. Hes almost too strong, kind of like Jayce, The mind Sculptor.
Im talkin more cash wise lol. Hes one of the most expensive planeswalkers if memory serves lol. And I personally cant justify buying of of him.
Could not agree more! I HATE mono green elf decks with a firey burning passion! lol. They are just annoying lol
True dat! The only reason I dont have Karn in here, is hes just too expensive, and too cheap lol (as if the rest of the deck isnt cheap). Unless he dies, hes usually a HUGE win condition, and it just makes the game too easy. Dont like letting opponents fight back, but I do enjoy a bit of a challenge lol.
Fair enough! I just prefer it because its not any one specific land, and even if the a specific forest is enchanted, itll still apply! But I do understand the not wanting to aid opponents lol. Thats never a fun thing
That's my thought precess! Ive got the capacity to win, but still have a way to almost perfectly stop myself from losing! Wonder how much of a stalemate itd to pit these two like decks against each other 0.o
What if, you dropped a couple single land enchantments for vernal blooms? I also think dawn's reflection works better than some, as it gives two of any color.
The faster the better! I usually try not to let my enemies fight back. Ruthlessly fast and terrible wins are the way to go! I try to give credit where its due. You've been very helpful to me basically since I started putting decks and ideas up here! Its been much appreciated! I figured if I can use angelic skirmishers to lifelink my way into luminarch ascension, why not drop even more angels? Call down the entirety of heaven! And the greater auramancys are just a way to cover myself from leaving an opening somwhere somehow. Offense is great, but it doesnt always take the place all the way of defense.
Hopefully you dont think I just copied your deck. We should find a way to collaborate and put a deck together using both our brilliant minds 0.o that sounds like a terror and a half! lol
Very true! Here is my version of your angels and elves! Its pretty similar, the core idea is super strong lol, but its got my touch added to it! hope you like it! http://www.mtgvault.com/llchurch/decks/angels-n-elves/
Working on it as we speak! Will for sure send it to you!
Thought about putting some mana ramp in here, was just not sure how to go about it. dark ritual would be a great idea, assuming i get black mana somehow lol! Thanks man!
Luckily, I mostly play with friends that just try to overpower me, so I use decks that I theoretically cant lose with. Might try to build the Church version of your angels and elves. Crazy mana ramp mixed with angels would be super OP! Diggin the feedback!
I so badly love power house decks. My only problem is my friends usually dont let me play them lol. Think I might try to find a spot in my deck for Iona, shes just too good! Chew, could I convince you to take a look at my artifact deck for me? Pretty Please? lol http://www.mtgvault.com/llchurch/decks/trollifacts/
Not too worried about board wipes though, nobody really uses them as far as i see. Really the only thing i have to worry about is getting slowed down, but what deck doesnt?
Board wipes will still stop this deck hardcore, but I dont see them very often, and once i get at least one greater auramancy out with asceticism and avacyn, angel of hope. There is nothing that can stop me. Everything is indestructible and cant be targeted by spells and abilities.
I LOVE the way you think my friend lol.
Not a bad setup! I would probably drop the staff of the Wild Magus being you only have the one. If you want life gain id suggest something like blunt the assault or stream of life. I would go for vernal blooms over verdant havens, seeing as this is a mono green deck. There also doesnt seem to be a big finisher kind of creature. Primordial hydras are awesome, if youve got a bit of cash, the elderscale wurms are boss. I would tend to go more creatures than anything else, maybe run a couple more forests. Crank up your llanowar elves to 4, if you can grab a couple elvish archdruids. I think some rampant growths would do better for you than skyshroud claim as well. A few other greens that are awesome would be things like naturalize, spearbreaker behemoth, overrun. If you want other big green wurms, just steal from my wurm deck lol. Hope this helps! If you want some more advice, dont hesitate to ask!
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