Draw is always good, but I dont know what to drop to obtain it. and chain reaction and pyroclasm are pretty nice, pyroclasm doesnt really do anything for me unless i get it really early on though, but thanks for the tips! probbly gong to throw in a few chain reactions!
LOVE this idea! thanks!
My problem with dropping the behemoths or aceticism is that, when i play my friends green creature deck, his win condition is primordial hydras, and i usually beat it with some doom blades or murders or the like. so im trying to avoid that. I think i may drop a scepter and the platinum angel for a vorinclex and maybe something else, whatchya think about that?
This is true on both accounts. its a pretty solid deck in my eyes. those were the only ideas i could really come up with lol
I like the mana bloom idea, and im thinking about switching in ascetiscism(not sure on the spellnig) instead of the spearbreakers, just to keep my huge monsters safe while i spam my turn to make the huger lol. thanks man!
One other thing, if you could be so kind :3, look at this for me. Really trying to get some feedback on it. http://www.mtgvault.com/llchurch/decks/my-turn/
What would you throw in its place? I like it for the versatility of it, either making my things stronger, or the bad guys' weaker.
The only changes I would make is perhaps throw in some dimir aqueducts for the dual land percs, and maybe some ways to get the cards that you need faster than praying for them in the first few draws. Seems really dependant on the starting hand, which is hard not to do with this game lol.
Itsmagic, would you mind takin a look at this for me? http://www.mtgvault.com/llchurch/decks/zombies/
Amen to that! quest for the gravelord is also pretty epic in my books. Good ol Geth, lord of the vault is also a boss.
I would agree with that. If you are going for more zombie ish deck, drop the minotaurs and throw in some ways to bring zombies back like cemetary reapers or ghoulraisers, undead warcheif is another good choice.
There is no white mana to play Meddling Mage :)
I would throw in a darksteel forge or two, just to be mean. Otherwise, I like it!
No problem man! Always glad to help out others, though I have a different approach to games then most lol.
Thinking i might drop a couple creatures for some whispersilk cloaks and things like that. Thanks! While were at it, could you take a look at >>> http://www.mtgvault.com/llchurch/decks/my-turn/ lemme know what you think! Itd be much appreciated!
Instead of loxodon smiters, how about trying a combination like aorious justicar and conjurers closet? Or maybe some blessed orators for a little extra toughness boost? Or borderland ranger with conjurers closet for some land support. I would also suggest having only 1 garruk, and grabbing an elspeth, knight errant for the human tokens, further buffing champion of the parish.
I like this deck! My kinda play style lol. If I may, could I get you to look at http://www.mtgvault.com/llchurch/decks/my-turn/ for me? It would be really appreciated!
I do like your mill decks friend. I have one put together that uses the mindcrank/duskmantle guildmage combo. Just not on here, mostly because I have seen the same relative design on here already. I am still kind of new to mill, its not my favorite way to play. Thanks for the help man!
My other idea I was going to pitch was drop master splicer and vital aplicer to 3 for 2 closets. I do see your point with emancipation angel and collective blessing.
The memnites and ornithopters are only in here to help protect chandra, so sacrificing them wouldnt be ideal, but its a nice idea!
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