Nice deck! Stuff like Restoration Angel and Cloudshift are crazy good for Detain, but Restoration Angel is way out of my price range...
Thanks man! Detain is a lot of fun, especially in casual play... fun for whoever's playing it, anyway.
Oh man... I never thought of that. Might have to build a deck around that silliness.
True, very true. I'm trying to keep this thing pure Azorius just for flavor, but if I ever actually build it I'll probably swap out the counter for Cyclonic Rift.
I'd love to add Sower of Temptation, but she's a little out of my price range at the moment... Thalakos Deceiver is a budget alternative in the meantime. Gather Specimens is awesome though, that's going in for sure!
I do not, and for exactly that reason. Part of the point of this deck is to create a fun blue deck without counters, and to focus more on the card-drawing and the fun of playing monocolor EDH. I have no problem with stealing creatures, though! haha
I'm not huge on turn production for two reasons: 1. my playgroup is pretty casual, and if I was taking multiple extra turns on a regular basis it wouldn't be much fun for them, and 2. it's just expensive, cash-wise. I like Beacon of Tomorrows because it's only a buck or two and it goes back into my library, where I'm likely to see it again with the crazy draw in this deck. If the deck was more competitive I would definitely have extra turns out the wazoo. Good tip on the snow lands! Thanks!
Honestly, I just needed another beater and a 3/3 flyer for 3 isn't bad. But you're right, it's not the best fit in this deck. What do you recommend? Also, where did you try it? I haven't actually built it (budget's a bit too tight) and I'm really curious to know how it does.
Eh? What do you mean, not out? They're not reprinting it in RTR, if that's what you mean.
I like the deck, but if you try to put that ring on any of your illusions they'll die. Maybe try Grand Architect for a little extra oomph?
Thanks man!
Talrand is just so damn cool. I love it, man! Maybe throw a Mindclaw Shaman or two in the sideboard just for fun; pretty sure Talrand still triggers. Have you thought about Runechanter's Pike? I don't have much experience with Burning Vengeance, but I think swapping them out for a couple Pikes is a viable option if you're not too attached to the Vengeance scheme.
Thanks for the comment. I've been searching for a wacky casual deck like this for a while, and I think I've finally built something I can be proud of.
Hey everybody, thanks for the comments on my decks! I think this one is actually potential tournament quality, so if you could help me out I'd really appreciate it. It's BG control with Heartless Summoning, but I'm debating whether or not the Summoning is necessary.
Frankly, early game is pretty weak. It's mostly ramp and maybe an Azure Mage or two--like I said, the deck's mostly just for fun. It would definitely get cleaned up pretty quick by any kind of aggro.
Hey, I was told to advertise, so: This is my pet deck of the moment, it's an infinite combo with Training Grounds.
Thrulls are awesome... I really wish they were a major tribe in modern Magic.
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