Wait, only 4 of each bear? Dude, this is unplayable now.
Dude, love the new additions. Bearz 4 lyfe
Well played, cat man.
Not if they get backup from Chimney Imp.
Son, don't make me get my storm crows.
Excuse me sir, but who are you to judge this negro? Bears are the cat's pajamas.
Runeclaw Bear would be an awesome finisher in this deck.
Grizzly Bears OP.
Any suggestions? Effective pauper fatties are surprisingly hard to find...
I would cut the Pilgrims and Blunt the Assault... life gain is nice, but the Elixir does that just fine. Mmmmm, Aetherize...
Run at least 23 lands, and maybe not 5 Growth Chambers. Honestly, you don't really need any Growth Chambers. If you run them at all run 2 or 3, otherwise you risk having a dead land on Turn 2. That is very very bad. Don't worry about Reclaim; Noxious Revival is strictly better. Always. Some big modern decks are still running Huntmaster of the Fells, so I would ditch Moonmist. Something like 4 Fog, 4 Tanglesap, 2 Blunt the Assault, 2 Clinging Mists would be solid, but I think you could get away with 10 Fog effects. My advice is get playsets of all the foggers (they're hecka cheap) and playtest to see what works. Also, since you're in blue and you will have lots of mana, maybe look into Aetherize. (It's a bitch to add on here; you have to copy/paste the weird A/E letter from MS word)I would pick Howling Mine or Rites of Flourishing, add 4 of one, and cut the other. Rites is cheaper ($) and lets you ramp faster, but it lets your opponent do the same. However, you get to play the extra land first, and with your mana critters you should be able to get Rites down on Turn 2 pretty reliably. For Turbofog you want AT LEAST 5 or 6 of your draw accelerators, and 5 is dangerously low. I know you love Snapcaster. I know, bro. But he's $30 you REALLY don't need to spend to make this deck rad. But I respect the importance of personal choice in Magic, and if you've gotta have him, then you've gotta have him. The deck is beautiful, dude. Your take on Turbofog is really, REALLY cool. :D
Yeah it does, but the important thing is just getting that extra mana. Honestly, you'll probably be fine with just the Elves and the Birds. 8 is a pretty good number of 1-drop mana accelerators for most decks that need them.
Also there are 62 cards here. wat
1. There is no good reason for Elvish Harbinger to be in here. Stop that. If you're worried about finding your Llanowar Elves, just put in Avacyn's Pilgrim or something.2. Needs moar Rites of Flourishing and/or Howling Mine. Without more of those cards, there is no "turbo" in your "Turbofog." Those cards are how you win! 3. Needs Elixir of Immortality. Milling yourself is possible and dangerous, and Elixir more reliable than Snapcaster for getting your Fogs back. Does it put them back in your deck, where you are at the mercy of chance if you want to see them again? Yes. Are you drawing 3 or 4 cards every turn, if the deck is doing what it's supposed to? Also yes. Snapcaster is cool, but if I were you I would save $60 and replace him with a couple Elixirs. 4. Mebbe moar Fog effects too. Turbofog wants AT LEAST 8 Fog effects. You has 7. Tanglesap is a good one for two mana.5. What's up with the red Planeswalkers? Pick a wincon or two and roll with it. Memory Adept is awesome in this deck, I would run two or three. That Chandra is practically begging to be another Memory Adept. Get the red stuff outta there and run blue/green: the deck will be more consistent, and your manabase will be way easier to deal with. 6. I love you, and your mother and I are very proud.
Heartless is a cruel mistress.
Thanks man! It's a little goofy, but it's supposed to be more fun than competitive. Any tips for stuff to put in/take out?
I know that feel, bro. Magic can get expensive!
No Mycosynth Lattice? I like the Genesis Chamber idea a lot, though.
Rawss. Stahp.
More Rampant Growth. More O-Ring. Y U RUN NEGATE??Also, Armillary Sphere.
41-60 of 99 items