
2 Decks, 37 Comments, 0 Reputation

don't say "overcomplicated shit that may never happen in the game at all" because i designed the deck so that it had enough combos that something great has to happen.

And even if you don't put the other stuff in there Dauthi ghoul could still make a great addition (:

Posted 13 February 2011 at 09:56 in reply to #128168 on Zombieland


Teferi's puzzle box would be a good idea. as would molten psyche

Posted 13 February 2011 at 09:46 as a comment on Draw Deck


1 Just because you have zombie cards in a deck dosen't make it a good zombie deck

2 Remove Maggot Carrier, Warpath Ghoul, Twisted Abomination, Scathe Zombies, and Grave digger
-There are lots of better cards than 2/2s and 2/3s with no abilities.

3 Put in 4 Corpse Harvesters. They are very usefull. They help you get out things like lord of the undead and cemetery reaper. Yes they require you to sacrifice a creature, but we can turn that into a good thing (They also help get swamps out)

4 Replace the Maggot Carrier with Festering Goblin. He costs only one which means he will be good to sacrifice. After you sacrifice him you can get him back out with the Lord of the Undead that you just replaced him with for only 3 mana. also when you sacrifice him you can give another target creature
-1/-1 untill end of turn. He will definately be the one you sacrifice to Corpse Harvester.

5 To make sacrificing your creatures an even better thing I suggest you put in a grave pact. This will pretty much undermine any deck accept for one that spews tokens everywhere.

6 You need more cards with the ability of that on Lord of the Undead or Cemetery Reaper. Put in some Death Barons, and Undead Warchief is really great too.

7 To take advantage of all these zombie pump-ups Dauthi Ghoul will be great. It's a zombie with shadow. in my zombie deck i've been able to get him up to a 5/5 consistantly.

8 Now if your still not content with the amount of damage you can be doing a Gempalm Polluter is really great. You can pay 2, cycle him, and deal damage to an opponent equal to the number of zombies in play. That'll effectively deal 4-8 damage. you can also use lord of the undead to bring him back to your hand. -rinse and repeat-

9 Because Lord of the undead shouldn't be the only means of getting creatures back into play add some necromantic thirsts. they can be equipped to the Dauthi Ghouls for a creature back every turn.

10 and incase i missed something you can look at my zombie deck where I have used all of these strategies and more. it's totally kick-ass

Posted 12 February 2011 at 13:29 as a comment on Zombieland


Samurai are one of the best, under apriciated tribal decks. Good job with it. better than lots of other's i've seen.

Posted 12 February 2011 at 13:07 as a comment on Samurai Master


0_0 I just got the best idea! put in reliquary towers instead of spellbook/Venser's Journal. Then you'll have enough space to put in Temple Bell!

I'm so proud of myself for coming up with that!

Posted 09 February 2011 at 19:27 in reply to #126691 on Draw Deck


Nice deck, It fits together really well. But you might want some multi-colored lands in there. You have mostly artifacts, but the cards that do require colors require most or all of the same color. Underworld Dreams being a very good example.

Posted 08 February 2011 at 20:29 as a comment on Draw Deck


The walls would be one option but you don't need that many elixirs of immortality. you only need 1 but you should have 2 just incase. also you could take out 1 enlightened tutor.

Posted 30 January 2011 at 19:51 in reply to #122702 on White-Blue Mill?!?!?!


and also, you might want to take out those ghostly prisons. considering they won't be playing much, they'll probably have enough mana to attack. you should put in more Michiko Kondas, or have you thought of Frozen Aether?

Posted 30 January 2011 at 18:28 in reply to #122661 on White-Blue Mill?!?!?!


That's amazing! Holy ****! You made a prison mill deck without any mill cards! I love how they deck themselves!

Posted 30 January 2011 at 18:27 as a comment on White-Blue Mill?!?!?!


You should take out megrim to put in some more Bloodchief Ascensions. It's like megrim accept it causes you to gain life too and it costs only 1.

Posted 30 January 2011 at 13:38 in reply to #122475 on Isochron Scepter Discard


do Preordain or Arcanis the Omnipotent

Posted 30 January 2011 at 13:32 in reply to #122475 on Isochron Scepter Discard


Awesome Deck, I'm following all of your isochron scepter decks and their really great.

Posted 30 January 2011 at 13:26 as a comment on Isochron Scepter Discard


I have considered them. I'm not adding grave titan because i want it to be tribal, and i'm not adding soulless one because i'd rather have something with a purpose like dauthi ghoul than a really big creature.

Posted 30 January 2011 at 09:26 in reply to #122206 on Zombie Stompy


put in a seething song or something

Posted 29 January 2011 at 16:42 in reply to #122182 on isochron scepter


i don't know alot of cards but balefire leige mabey? to help with the burn spells

Posted 29 January 2011 at 13:17 as a comment on isochron scepter


by the way, you might want to look for some more creatures that could be benificial. better than walls that is

Posted 29 January 2011 at 13:01 in reply to #122087 on isochron scepter


you could add a reverberate or twincast.

Posted 29 January 2011 at 12:59 as a comment on isochron scepter


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