Your build is definitely much more control oriented. Our two decks are trying to do two different things, but with the same result, a win. I love Liliana of the Veil and wanted her to squeeze in here, but once again, I'm going for a tempo with the recurring creatures and want to start building pressure sooner, and I love Olivia; she may come in over 1 Thundermaw.
Will do! I'm excited to try it!
They are amazing main board. This deck has yet to go into playtesting. Let me make that clear. I will be testing it this week against Twin, Affinity, Elves, and Abzahn. The trick is, like Blue Moon, is that you need to fetch for your swamps, almost always.
Hey, it could also be Resto Angel/Zealous Conscripts. Mainly this deck wants to beat up them lands and lock down the board with bloodmoon (if possible), then play that threaten game like Twin. Except I want to be a bigger ass than counterspells.
This is my normal Modern deck.
It looks fun as hell. I dig the idea behind it! God, we could only hope that Dark Ritual sees some unforsaken summoning in standard. But that won't happen. Whatever. I'll give this a try! My "local" meta is non-existent. The only Modern players are my play-group and like three other guys. Last IQ I missed top 8 on breakers, but it was Abzahn, Burn, Tron, G/R Aggro, Bloom, Twin, a rogue Merfolk, a rogue Artifact storm, and a Gifts deck. The USA decks all went x-2 drop.
The main thing I have to be weary of is my own Blood Moon.
I went -2 Polluted Delta, +1 Graven Cairn, +1 Urbog, tomb of Yawgmoth
8-rack. that sounds fun! link me!
I'll take a closer look at the mana base, because I think you may be correct.
I'm going to proxy it up and feel it out against the field. My primary modern deck is a rogue deck, until I Top 8 with it, I'm not releasing it to the public. It was helmed to a 2nd place finish in an IQ by my good friend, but that was a looooong time ago, so it's still hush hush.
What if, -1 Temporal Extortion, -1 Skittles, +1 Inquisition, +1 Thundermaw?
I was pushing for a finisher. I just built the deck this morning as a test run after having a few conversations. He can win out of nowhere in my experience, ergo the 1 of. It's my sideboard that I'm really concerned with. What do you think of the pack rat utility built in?
Prime Time is banned, brah.
21-34 of 34 items