... This deck might actually be able to run enter the infinite xD cool deck! ^^
what about search for tomorrow? Thins your deck, gives you something on turn 1 and ramps into your 4 drops by turn 3. The extra 0/3 wall (potentially 1/4 I guess?) that fetches some other treefolk vs a spell that just plucks a card from your deck and puts it into play.. Thoughts? I guess it interacts pretty poorly with the storyteller, but if you do end up getting a storyteller into play, you can just choose to not play your search.. Hrmm, ah well, Doran does seem fairly interesting, would be kind of hard to implement him though, would require shock lands (not sure how much the 2 damage matters), suppose it does add some options though with the 2 extra colors. You could also run doran's special forest if you wanted! :DAs for Aether Vial, it does seem pretty solid if you get it out early.Hrmm... Lots of things that could be tested :d ah well, might do some proxy test runs with this and see how it works myself ^^
Why the harbinger? If this is an agressive deck, wouldn't something else be more useful? Or does it fit some kind of role? (the tutoring ability seems kinda slow if it's meant to fetch cards for you. (Unless it isn't and I'm completely wrong :d) Is it for forest fetching in case of a low land starting hand or something?) Deadwood treefolk could potentially be in there to keep the cards going, everbark could be thinning your deck, someone mentioned cream of the crop, Kalonian Twingrove could maybe work? Unstoppable Ash... etc etc. Just curious, as I'm a bit interested in getting a treefolk deck myself :d
If you've got money to spend then the fetchlands could help this deck quite a bit
Hmmm, so you can't pay your last bit of life to any costs that involve you losing life? Thanks Gothy for not being an ass about it, can't say the same to Dantanius though (did you really have to all caps me? I was just asking a question .-.)
Why would you not be able to go to 0 life from channel? Angel's Grace prevents you from losing the game, no?
I made a 1 turn in combo deck with Worldfire once, you just play a mountain turn 1, then 4 rite of flames, then you suspend a rift bolt, then you play worldfire. You win unless they can somehow kill you with their next draw or gain 3 life (without having anything on the field or anything on hand during their turn).It requires 7 specific cards, but eh xD
for the record, Galvanic needs 3 artifacts. That single artifact land on't do anything special unless you've also got 2 spellbombs in play
Have you considered Prison Term? Think it might work better than arrest honestly.
why mind spring over blue sun's zenith? (I might've spelled that incorrectly, just fyi, tired and off to bed atm :P)
that is true I suppose :)
worhip and angel's grace comes to mind :)
tell me the chance of him being up against Karn :) there's always decks that will just outrightly beat some other deck, only way for him to be able to win vs Karn is if he sideboards something against him.
Dark depths? You already have the vampire needed to trigger it instantly.
what's the combo? I don't see it.
Just letting you know, you should mark this deck as "casual", not legacy. If you label it legacy, people will question you for not having expensive cards like tarm. Not hating, just saying :)
Harvester of Souls for card draw? I mean, you have a big dude that draws you cards already, but I personally think the harvester is better for it, since it always gives you at least 1 card per turn or a safe swing (it attacks and kills a creature). Alternatively, board wipes will refill your hand instantly, so it's also good against more controly decks.
in decks like these, you really just want to drop a) a bunch of lands and b) draw lots of cards. If you can do both of those, then dropping all of the things you have in your deck will be no problem, with lifegain, you don't even have to worry about the enemy board THAT much. Cards that helps you draw what you want are cards like: Abundance, harmonize, Collective Unconscious (this one MIGHT become dangerous for you to cast!), Explore, Primordial Sage (this one is a beast! Literally!), Psychotrope Thallid (goes VERY well with your deck! Those small little saps are expandable, always more of where they came from!) I would also consider removing some of the more useless fungus creatures you have in the deck. Thallid Germinator is a bad fungos, for example and would be much better off being a Primordial Sage or a Psychotrope Thallid. Growing Ranks only ever generates 1/1saps (which your fungus creatures are doing just fine by themselves, they just need backup to be able to work with what they're good at). I really like the archangel and the Mycoloth in this deck, they simply give so much to offer and reward you a lot for having lots of saps! Although I do love Sprout Swarm, however, I don't think it's needed in this deck, I think you'd be way better off just getting more card draw so you can get the ball going faster honestly. (drawing that life and limb faster and more lands will allow you to play more things faster, to do that consistently, you'd need card draw in order to be able to spend all your excess mana, also, it's really nice to have against decks with lots of removal spells just to refill your hand, so even if they kill all your creatures, you can just populate the board with a 2nd army)last thing, True Conviction works VERY well with sap decks! You already have lots of lifegain in the deck in form of the 1 life when a creature enters the battlefield creatures, so replacing some of your luminescent rains should be rather easy :)
Just to make this clear: Control decks will eat this alive. My two other friends plays a sliver deck and a human aggro deck. The Sliver deck does have 4 of the haste lord creatures, but that's the only creature that can make it possible to compete. The human deck doesn't have anything that hastes and only sorceries (it's strong if nobody touches anything it plays basically). Been playing grixis control for a while and it's fun to watch peoeple not being able to do anythign to hurt me :PNot saying this deck won't work against anything, but people who plays with removal spells will be a problem for you depending on how much they have of it. (not meaning to hate on this deck, I tried making a werewolf deck myself once during a time when control decks weren't as popular amongs my friends :P)EDIT: To make this deck better, you could add stuff like Domri Rade (he is the one thing that makes creature heavy decks work against more controlly decks or even straight up control deck.) Fervor is another card that would make it possible for you to go up against control decks (grixis and esper can still respond to it, but white blue decks would need to have quicken or something to respond to it, which is a lot more unlikely as they'd need a 2 card combo) Hammer of Purphoros would also make this deck stronger against control, it would also make you able to play nothing during your turn and just spawn a 3/3 for your turn and have your werewolves transformed on your opponent's turn.You don't need to mainboard any of these cards if you're not up against a control deck though. Some of them could make your deck stronger, like Domri and the Hammer, but they're not neccecary. Hope this helps a bit in any way =)EDIT2: you have full moon's rise! That's actually something that could save you a lot, almost forgot about that card, although you'd still have a problem against control (same thing with 4x haste slivers) they still give you a fair chance!
Primal surge? It instantly puts down as many cards from your deck into the battlefield as you want. It makes sure you get the pinnacle too.EDIT: Oh, and like the other guy said, doubling season is excellent for you.
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