This looks like it moves way faster than my soldier deck. Haha
NOPE. Stickin' with green/white.
Just so you know, it looks like someone copied your deck... Like, almost to a T.
If only Preeminent Captain were still standard... Him and Captain of the Watch are best buds.
Considering dropping the green for blue or red, if not both.
Would you be surprised if I said I don't remember?
If you cast two Drogskol Captain, their ability gives them all hexproof. They're resistant to spot removal. The only thing that can hurt them are board wipes. Clone/Phantasmal/whatever can be used to supplement in the event you can't draw two Drogskol. It's worked wonders in my deck.But, it's hard to argue with the standard-legality. Haha! I forget that the most popular format on this site is Standard. I'm a modern player, it's easier on my budget than Standard.
I should really take more ginco biloba.
Wasn't Birds of Paradise in 13 too? That's still standard, as far as I knew. Ah shit, nope. Last print was 2012. That's my bad.It should be noted that I have a clinical memory disorder.
Come on people. Help me focus this down some. I know I'm missing some ideas here!
With the amount of land fetching and the Pilgrims in here, he'll probably get out pretty early. Have you considered grabbing Birds of Paradise over Pilgrims, though? More flexibility.
Holy crap. This looks insanely fun to play! I'm with Cainthesinner676, keep the Chalice.
I knew about his second ability. But for some reason my brain was telling me when he died, as opposed to left the battlefield. There's a lot I was forgetting about these guys.Maybe I'm just being overly-judgmental because I enjoy building decks with a "theme" in mind. May it be matching creature types or overall mechanics of the deck. This doesn't seem like a bad deck, by any means, I hope that wasn't implied. But if you're having success with it, then bravo. :)
Ah-ha! That's pretty clever! I've never been much for combos, so that was way over my head.But sweet stuff!
No need for the sass. I forgot about Thragtusk's life gain ability and that Snapcaster Mage's ability is triggered upon entering the battlefield. I know what Sigarda's other stats are, she's an impressive creature. But her trigger ability is underwhelming. I still say it lacks a bit of focus and seems a bit jumbled together. I know what midrange is.
lmao yeah, I know. I just love puns.
Yeah I hear ya. That's my biggest problem with Standard. I really love the cycling, constantly evolving field... But it forces us to strip our decks of tried-and-true combos and cards. :(I'm a modern-casual player myself... I know I'm in the minority as far as playing goes, but I don't ever do FNM or anything. :p
ah-ha, that makes sense. By the way, this is my first time seeing Bane alley Broker, great card!I'm going to thumb through your other decks if you have any. You've got some cool ideas.I work in Modern primarily. So maybe I'll go ahead and use this as inspiration to make a BUG/Insect deck. I'll keep in touch and let you know how it goes! haha
You should redesign this to represent what your GOAL is, as opposed to what it currently is. That way we can get a better idea of what you're shooting for. I really need to get me one of those Primeseekers.Cool deck, though.
Cool stuff going on here! I was half expecting to see Shadow Slice in here.Also, I would have loved to see you take advantage of the BUG name with some actual bug type creatures. But this is still cool... I gueeeesss...
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